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op_attr_types.h File Reference
#include <mshadow/tensor.h>
#include <nnvm/op_attr_types.h>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include "./base.h"
#include "./ndarray.h"
#include "./engine.h"
#include "./resource.h"
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struct  mxnet::OpContext
 All the possible information needed by Operator.Forward and Backward This is the superset of RunContext. We use this data structure to bookkeep everything needed by Forward and Backward. More...
class  mxnet::OpStatePtr
 Operator state. This is a pointer type, its content is mutable even if OpStatePtr is const. More...


 namespace of mxnet


using mxnet::FCreateOpState = std::function< OpStatePtr(const NodeAttrs &attrs, Context ctx, const mxnet::ShapeVector &in_shape, const std::vector< int > &in_type)>
 Create a Layer style, forward/backward operator. This is easy to write code that contains state. OpStatePtr is a pointer type, it's content is mutable even if OpStatePtr is constant. More...
using mxnet::THasDeterministicOutput = bool
 Whether the operator always produces the same output given the same input. This enables certain optimizations like common expression elimination. More...
using mxnet::FExecType = std::function< ExecType(const NodeAttrs &attrs)>
 Execution mode of this operator. More...
using mxnet::FStatefulCompute = std::function< void(const OpStatePtr &state, const OpContext &ctx, const std::vector< TBlob > &inputs, const std::vector< OpReqType > &req, const std::vector< TBlob > &outputs)>
 Resiger a compute function for stateful operator. OpStatePtr is a pointer type, it's content is mutable even if OpStatePtr is constant. More...
using mxnet::FStatefulComputeEx = std::function< void(const OpStatePtr &state, const OpContext &ctx, const std::vector< NDArray > &inputs, const std::vector< OpReqType > &req, const std::vector< NDArray > &outputs)>
 Resiger a compute function for stateful operator using NDArray interface. OpStatePtr is a pointer type, it's content is mutable even if OpStatePtr is constant. More...
using mxnet::FResourceRequest = std::function< std::vector< ResourceRequest >(const NodeAttrs &n)>
 The resource request from the operator. An operator could register ResourceRequestEx, or ResourceRequest, or neither. More...
using mxnet::FResourceRequestEx = std::function< std::vector< ResourceRequest >(const NodeAttrs &n, const int dev_mask, const DispatchMode dispatch_mode)>
 The resource request from the operator. An operator could register ResourceRequestEx, or ResourceRequest, or neither. If an operator registers both ResourceRequestEx and ResourceRequest, ResourceRequest is ignored. More...
using mxnet::FNDArrayFunction = std::function< void(const nnvm::NodeAttrs &attrs, const std::vector< NDArray > &inputs, std::vector< NDArray > *outputs)>
 Register an operator called as a NDArray function. More...
using mxnet::FCompute = std::function< void(const nnvm::NodeAttrs &attrs, const OpContext &ctx, const std::vector< TBlob > &inputs, const std::vector< OpReqType > &req, const std::vector< TBlob > &outputs)>
 Register a compute function for simple stateless forward only operator. More...
using mxnet::FComputeEx = std::function< void(const nnvm::NodeAttrs &attrs, const OpContext &ctx, const std::vector< NDArray > &inputs, const std::vector< OpReqType > &req, const std::vector< NDArray > &outputs)>
 Register an NDArray compute function for simple stateless forward only operator. More...
using mxnet::FInferStorageType = std::function< bool(const NodeAttrs &attrs, const int dev_mask, DispatchMode *dispatch_mode, std::vector< int > *in_attrs, std::vector< int > *out_attrs)>
 Register a storage and dispatch mode inference function based on storage types of the inputs and outputs, and the dev_mask for the operator. More...
using mxnet::FQuantizable = std::function< QuantizeType(const NodeAttrs &attrs)>
 Register a quantized node creation function based on the attrs of the node. More...
using mxnet::FQuantizedOp = std::function< nnvm::ObjectPtr(const NodeAttrs &attrs)>
 Register a quantized node creation function based on the attrs of the node. More...
using mxnet::FNeedRequantize = std::function< bool(const NodeAttrs &attrs)>
 Register a function to determine if the output of a quantized operator needs to be requantized. This is usually used for the operators taking int8 data types while accumulating in int32, e.g. quantized_conv. More...
using mxnet::FAvoidQuantizeInput = std::function< bool(const NodeAttrs &attrs, const size_t index, const std::string quantize_granularity)>
 Register a function to determine if the input of a quantized operator needs to be quantized. This is usually used for the quantized operators which can handle fp32 inputs directly. More...
using mxnet::FNeedAsymQuantizeInput = std::function< bool(const NodeAttrs &attrs, const size_t index)>
 Register a function to determine if the input of a quantized operator needs to be quantized asymmetrically. More...
using mxnet::FAvoidDequantizeOutput = std::function< bool(const NodeAttrs &attrs, const size_t index)>
 Register a function to determine if the output of a quantized operator needs to be dequantized. This is usually used for the quantized operators which can produce fp32 outputs directly. More...
using mxnet::FNeedCalibrateInput = std::function< std::vector< int >(const NodeAttrs &attrs)>
 Register a function to determine if the input of a quantized operator needs to be calibrated. This is usually used for the quantized operators which need calibration on its input. More...
using mxnet::FNeedCalibrateOutput = std::function< std::vector< int >(const NodeAttrs &attrs)>
 Register a function to determine if the output of a quantized operator needs to be calibrated. This is usually used for the quantized operators which need calibration on its output. More...
using mxnet::FIsCUDAGraphsCompatible = std::function< bool(const NodeAttrs &attrs, const bool is_train)>
 Register a function to determine if the operator implementation is compatible with CUDA graphs. This requires the execution to stay the same as long as the shape and type of input stays the same. More...


enum  mxnet::OpReqType { mxnet::kNullOp, mxnet::kWriteTo, mxnet::kWriteInplace, mxnet::kAddTo }
 operation request type to Forward and Backward More...
enum  mxnet::ExecType { mxnet::ExecType::kSync, mxnet::ExecType::kAsync, mxnet::ExecType::kCrossDeviceCopy, mxnet::ExecType::kSubgraphExec }
 the execution type of the operator More...
enum  mxnet::DispatchMode {
  mxnet::DispatchMode::kUndefined = -1, mxnet::DispatchMode::kFCompute, mxnet::DispatchMode::kFComputeEx, mxnet::DispatchMode::kFComputeFallback,
 the dispatch mode of the operator More...
enum  mxnet::QuantizeType { mxnet::QuantizeType::kNone = 0, mxnet::QuantizeType::kMust, mxnet::QuantizeType::kSupport }
 the quantization type of the operator More...