Source code for mxnet.gluon.parameter

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# coding: utf-8
# pylint: disable=
"""Neural network parameter."""

from collections import OrderedDict
import warnings
import numpy as np

from ..base import mx_real_t, MXNetError
from .. import symbol, ndarray, initializer, context
from ..context import Context
from .. import autograd
from .utils import _indent

# pylint: disable= invalid-name
tensor_types = (symbol.Symbol, ndarray.NDArray)
# pylint: enable= invalid-name

class DeferredInitializationError(MXNetError):
    """Error for unfinished deferred initialization."""

[docs]class Parameter(object): """A Container holding parameters (weights) of `Block`s. `Parameter` holds a copy of the parameter on each `Context` after it is initialized with `Parameter.initialize(...)`. If `grad_req` is not `null`, it will also hold a gradient array on each `Context`:: ctx = mx.gpu(0) x = mx.nd.zeros((16, 100), ctx=ctx) w = mx.gluon.Parameter('fc_weight', shape=(64, 100), init=mx.init.Xavier()) b = mx.gluon.Parameter('fc_bias', shape=(64,), init=mx.init.Zero()) w.initialize(ctx=ctx) b.initialize(ctx=ctx) out = mx.nd.FullyConnected(x,,, num_hidden=64) Parameters ---------- name : str Name of this parameter. grad_req : {'write', 'add', 'null'}, default 'write' Specifies how to update gradient to grad arrays. - 'write' means everytime gradient is written to grad `NDArray`. - 'add' means everytime gradient is added to the grad `NDArray`. You need to manually call `zero_grad()` to clear the gradient buffer before each iteration when using this option. - 'null' means gradient is not requested for this parameter. gradient arrays will not be allocated. shape : tuple of int, default None Shape of this parameter. By default shape is not specified. Parameter with unknown shape can be used for `Symbol` API, but `init` will throw an error when using `NDArray` API. dtype : numpy.dtype or str, default 'float32' Data type of this parameter. For example, numpy.float32 or 'float32'. lr_mult : float, default 1.0 Learning rate multiplier. Learning rate will be multiplied by lr_mult when updating this parameter with optimizer. wd_mult : float, default 1.0 Weight decay multiplier (L2 regularizer coefficient). Works similar to lr_mult. init : Initializer, default None Initializer of this parameter. Will use the global initializer by default. Attributes ---------- grad_req : {'write', 'add', 'null'} This can be set before or after initialization. Setting grad_req to null with `x.grad_req = 'null'` saves memory and computation when you don't need gradient w.r.t x. """ def __init__(self, name, grad_req='write', shape=None, dtype=mx_real_t, lr_mult=1.0, wd_mult=1.0, init=None, allow_deferred_init=False, differentiable=True): self._var = None self._data = None self._grad = None self._deferred_init = () self._differentiable = differentiable self._grad_req = None = name self.shape = shape self.dtype = dtype self.lr_mult = lr_mult self.wd_mult = wd_mult self.grad_req = grad_req self.init = init self.allow_deferred_init = allow_deferred_init def __repr__(self): s = 'Parameter {name} (shape={shape}, dtype={dtype})' return s.format(**self.__dict__) @property def grad_req(self): return self._grad_req @grad_req.setter def grad_req(self, req): assert req in ['write', 'add', 'null'], \ "grad_req must be one of write, add, or null, but got %s"%req if not self._differentiable: req = 'null' if self._grad_req == req: return self._grad_req = req if req == 'null' and self._grad is not None: self._grad = None for ctx in self._data: self._data[ctx] = self._data[ctx].detach() elif self._data is not None: self._init_grad() def _check_initialized(self, ctx=None): if self._data is not None: if ctx is not None and ctx not in self._data: raise RuntimeError( "Parameter %s was not initialized on context %s. " "It was only initialized on %s."%(, str(ctx), str(self.list_ctx()))) return if self._deferred_init: raise DeferredInitializationError raise RuntimeError( "Parameter %s has not been initialized. Note that " \ "you should initialize parameters and create Trainer " \ "with Block.collect_params() instead of Block.params " \ "because the later does not include Parameters of " \ "nested child Blocks"%( def _load_init(self, data, ctx): """(Re)initializes by loading from data.""" if self.shape: for i, j in zip(self.shape, data.shape): assert i == 0 or i == j, \ "Failed loading Parameter %s from saved params: " \ "shape incompatible expacted %s vs saved %s"%(, str(self.shape), str(data.shape)) if self.dtype: assert np.dtype(self.dtype).type == data.dtype, \ "Failed loading Parameter %s from saved params: " \ "dtype incompatible expacted %s vs saved %s"%(, str(self.dtype), str(data.dtype)) if isinstance(ctx, Context): ctx = [ctx] if self._data is None: if self._deferred_init: assert set(ctx) == set(self._deferred_init[1]), \ "Failed to load Parameter %s on %s because it was " \ "previous initialized on %s."%(, str(ctx), str(self.list_ctx())) self._init_impl(data, ctx) else: assert set(ctx) == set(self.list_ctx()), \ "Failed to load Parameter %s on %s because it was " \ "previous initialized on %s."%(, str(ctx), str(self.list_ctx())) self.set_data(data) self._deferred_init = () def _finish_deferred_init(self): """Finishes deferred initialization.""" if not self._deferred_init: return init, ctx, default_init = self._deferred_init self._deferred_init = () assert self.shape is not None and > 0, \ "Cannot initialize Parameter %s because it has " \ "invalid shape: %s. Please specify in_units, " \ "in_channels, etc for `Block`s."%(, str(self.shape)) with autograd.pause(): data = ndarray.zeros(shape=self.shape, dtype=self.dtype, ctx=context.cpu()) initializer.create(default_init)( initializer.InitDesc(, {'__init__': init}), data) self._init_impl(data, ctx) def _init_impl(self, data, ctx): """Sets data and grad.""" self._data = OrderedDict() for i in ctx: self._data[i] = data.copyto(i) self._init_grad() def _init_grad(self): """Initialize grad buffers.""" if self.grad_req == 'null': self._grad = None return self._grad = OrderedDict() for i in self._data: self._grad[i] = ndarray.zeros_like(self._data[i]) autograd.mark_variables(self.list_data(), self.list_grad(), self.grad_req) def _reduce(self): """Reduce data from multiple context.""" block = self.list_data() data = ndarray.add_n(*(w.copyto(context.cpu()) for w in block)) / len(block) return data
[docs] def initialize(self, init=None, ctx=None, default_init=initializer.Uniform(), force_reinit=False): """Initializes parameter and gradient arrays. Only used for `NDArray` API. Parameters ---------- init : Initializer The initializer to use. Overrides `Parameter.init` and default_init. ctx : Context or list of Context, defaults to `context.current_context()`. Initialize Parameter on given context. If ctx is a list of Context, a copy will be made for each context. .. note:: Copies are independent arrays. User is responsible for keeping their values consistent when updating. Normally `gluon.Trainer` does this for you. default_init : Initializer Default initializer is used when both `init` and `Parameter.init` are `None`. force_reinit : bool, default False Whether to force re-initialization if parameter is already initialized. Examples -------- >>> weight = mx.gluon.Parameter('weight', shape=(2, 2)) >>> weight.initialize(ctx=mx.cpu(0)) >>> [[-0.01068833 0.01729892] [ 0.02042518 -0.01618656]] >>> weight.grad() [[ 0. 0.] [ 0. 0.]] >>> weight.initialize(ctx=[mx.gpu(0), mx.gpu(1)]) >>> [[-0.00873779 -0.02834515] [ 0.05484822 -0.06206018]] >>> [[-0.00873779 -0.02834515] [ 0.05484822 -0.06206018]] """ if self._data is not None and not force_reinit: warnings.warn("Parameter %s is already initialized, ignoring. " \ "Set force_reinit=True to re-initialize." return self._data = self._grad = None if ctx is None: ctx = [context.current_context()] if isinstance(ctx, Context): ctx = [ctx] if init is None: init = default_init if self.init is None else self.init if not self.shape or <= 0: if self.allow_deferred_init: self._deferred_init = (init, ctx, default_init) return raise ValueError("Cannot initialize Parameter %s because it has " \ "invalid shape: %s."%(, str(self.shape))) self._deferred_init = (init, ctx, default_init) self._finish_deferred_init()
[docs] def reset_ctx(self, ctx): """Re-assign Parameter to other contexts. ctx : Context or list of Context, default `context.current_context()`. Assign Parameter to given context. If ctx is a list of Context, a copy will be made for each context. """ if ctx is None: ctx = [context.current_context()] if isinstance(ctx, Context): ctx = [ctx] if self._data: data = self._reduce() with autograd.pause(): self._init_impl(data, ctx) elif self._deferred_init: init, _, default_init = self._deferred_init self._deferred_init = (init, ctx, default_init) else: raise ValueError("Cannot reset context for Parameter %s because it " "has not been initialized."
[docs] def set_data(self, data): """Sets this parameter's value on all contexts to data.""" assert self._data is not None, \ "Parameter %s has not been initialized" for arr in self.list_data(): arr[:] = data
[docs] def data(self, ctx=None): """Returns a copy of this parameter on one context. Must have been initialized on this context before. Parameters ---------- ctx : Context Desired context. Returns ------- NDArray on ctx """ if ctx is None: list_ctx = self.list_ctx() if len(list_ctx) == 1: ctx = list_ctx[0] else: ctx = context.current_context() self._check_initialized(ctx) return self._data[ctx]
[docs] def list_data(self): """Returns copies of this parameter on all contexts, in the same order as creation.""" self._check_initialized() return list(self._data.values())
[docs] def grad(self, ctx=None): """Returns a gradient buffer for this parameter on one context. Parameters ---------- ctx : Context Desired context. """ if ctx is None: list_ctx = self.list_ctx() if len(list_ctx) == 1: ctx = list_ctx[0] else: ctx = context.current_context() self._check_initialized(ctx) if self._grad is None: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot get gradient array for Parameter %s " \ "because grad_req='null'"%( return self._grad[ctx]
[docs] def list_grad(self): """Returns gradient buffers on all contexts, in the same order as `values`.""" self._check_initialized() assert self._grad is not None, \ "Parameter %s does not have gradients because grad_req='null'" return list(self._grad.values())
[docs] def list_ctx(self): """Returns a list of contexts this parameter is initialized on.""" if self._data is None: if self._deferred_init: return self._deferred_init[1] raise RuntimeError("Parameter %s has not been initialized" return list(self._data.keys())
[docs] def zero_grad(self): """Sets gradient buffer on all contexts to 0. No action is taken if parameter is uninitialized or doesn't require gradient.""" if self._grad is None: return for i in self._grad.values(): i[:] = 0
[docs] def var(self): """Returns a symbol representing this parameter.""" if self._var is None: self._var = symbol.var(, shape=self.shape, dtype=self.dtype, lr_mult=self.lr_mult, wd_mult=self.wd_mult, init=self.init) return self._var
[docs]class ParameterDict(object): """A dictionary managing a set of parameters. Parameters ---------- prefix : str, default '' The prefix to be prepended to all Parameters' names created by this dict. shared : ParameterDict or None If not `None`, when this dict's `get` method creates a new parameter, will first try to retrieve it from `shared` dict. Usually used for sharing parameters with another `Block`. """ def __init__(self, prefix='', shared=None): self._prefix = prefix self._params = OrderedDict() self._shared = shared def __repr__(self): s = '{name}(\n{content}\n)' name = self._prefix+' ' if self._prefix else '' return s.format(name=name, content='\n'.join([_indent(' {0}'.format(v), 2) for v in self.values()])) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._params[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._params) def items(self): return self._params.items() def keys(self): return self._params.keys() def values(self): return self._params.values() @property def prefix(self): """Prefix of this dict. It will be prepended to Parameters' name created with `get`.""" return self._prefix def _get_impl(self, name): if name in self._params: return self._params[name] if self._shared is not None and name in self._shared._params: self._params[name] = self._shared._params[name] return self._shared._params[name] return None
[docs] def get(self, name, **kwargs): """Retrieves a `Parameter` with name `self.prefix+name`. If not found, `get` will first try to retrieve it from `shared` dict. If still not found, `get` will create a new `Parameter` with key-word arguments and insert it to self. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the desired Parameter. It will be prepended with this dictionary's prefix. **kwargs : dict The rest of key-word arguments for the created `Parameter`. Returns ------- Parameter The created or retrieved `Parameter`. """ name = self.prefix + name param = self._get_impl(name) if param is None: param = Parameter(name, **kwargs) self._params[name] = param else: for k, v in kwargs.items(): if hasattr(param, k) and getattr(param, k) is not None: assert v is None or v == getattr(param, k), \ "Cannot retrieve Parameter %s because desired attribute " \ "does not match with stored for attribute %s: " \ "desired %s vs stored %s."%( name, k, str(v), str(getattr(param, k))) else: setattr(param, k, v) return param
[docs] def update(self, other): """Copies all Parameters in `other` to self.""" for k, v in other.items(): if k in self._params: assert self._params[k] is v, \ "Cannot update self with other because they have different " \ "Parameters with the same name %s"%k else: self._params[k] = v
[docs] def initialize(self, init=initializer.Uniform(), ctx=None, verbose=False, force_reinit=False): """Initializes all Parameters managed by this dictionary to be used for `NDArray` API. It has no effect when using `Symbol` API. Parameters ---------- init : Initializer Global default Initializer to be used when `Parameter.init` is `None`. Otherwise, `Parameter.init` takes precedence. ctx : Context or list of Context Keeps a copy of Parameters on one or many context(s). force_reinit : bool, default False Whether to force re-initialization if parameter is already initialized. """ if verbose: init.set_verbosity(verbose=verbose) for _, v in self.items(): v.initialize(None, ctx, init, force_reinit=force_reinit)
[docs] def zero_grad(self): """Sets all Parameters' gradient buffer to 0.""" for i in self.values(): i.zero_grad()
[docs] def reset_ctx(self, ctx): """Re-assign all Parameters to other contexts. ctx : Context or list of Context, default `context.current_context()`. Assign Parameter to given context. If ctx is a list of Context, a copy will be made for each context. """ for i in self.values(): i.reset_ctx(ctx)
[docs] def setattr(self, name, value): """Set an attribute to a new value for all Parameters. For example, set grad_req to null if you don't need gradient w.r.t a model's Parameters:: model.collect_params().setattr('grad_req', 'null') or change the learning rate multiplier:: model.collect_params().setattr('lr_mult', 0.5) Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the attribute. value : valid type for attribute name The new value for the attribute. """ for i in self.values(): setattr(i, name, value)
[docs] def save(self, filename, strip_prefix=''): """Save parameters to file. filename : str Path to parameter file. strip_prefix : str, default '' Strip prefix from parameter names before saving. """ arg_dict = {} for param in self.values(): weight = param._reduce() if not raise ValueError( "Prefix %s is to be striped before saving, but Parameter " \ "%s does not start with %s. If you are using Block.save_params, " \ "This may be due to your Block shares parameters from other " \ "Blocks or you forgot to use `with name_scope()`` during init. " \ "Consider switching to and " \ "Block.collect_params.load instead."%( strip_prefix,, strip_prefix)) arg_dict[[len(strip_prefix):]] = weight, arg_dict)
[docs] def load(self, filename, ctx, allow_missing=False, ignore_extra=False, restore_prefix=''): """Load parameters from file. filename : str Path to parameter file. ctx : Context or list of Context Context(s) initialize loaded parameters on. allow_missing : bool, default False Whether to silently skip loading parameters not represents in the file. ignore_extra : bool, default False Whether to silently ignore parameters from the file that are not present in this ParameterDict. restore_prefix : str, default '' prepend prefix to names of stored parameters before loading. """ if restore_prefix: for name in self.keys(): assert name.startswith(restore_prefix), \ "restore_prefix is %s but Parameters name %s does not start " \ "with %s"%(restore_prefix, name, restore_prefix) lprefix = len(restore_prefix) arg_dict = {restore_prefix+k: v for k, v in ndarray.load(filename).items()} if not allow_missing: for name in self.keys(): assert name in arg_dict, \ "Parameter %s is missing in file %s"%(name[lprefix:], filename) for name in arg_dict: if name not in self._params: assert ignore_extra, \ "Parameter %s loaded from file %s is not present in ParameterDict"%( name[lprefix:], filename) continue self[name]._load_init(arg_dict[name], ctx)