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# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# coding: utf-8
# pylint: disable=
"""Dataset generator."""
__all__ = ['DataLoader']
import multiprocessing
import multiprocessing.queues
from multiprocessing.reduction import ForkingPickler
import pickle
import io
import sys
import numpy as np
from . import sampler as _sampler
from ... import nd, context
def rebuild_ndarray(*args):
"""Rebuild ndarray from pickled shared memory"""
# pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
return nd.NDArray(nd.ndarray._new_from_shared_mem(*args))
def reduce_ndarray(data):
"""Reduce ndarray to shared memory handle"""
return rebuild_ndarray, data._to_shared_mem()
ForkingPickler.register(nd.NDArray, reduce_ndarray)
class ConnectionWrapper(object):
"""Connection wrapper for multiprocessing that supports sending
NDArray via shared memory."""
def __init__(self, conn):
self._conn = conn
def send(self, obj):
"""Send object"""
buf = io.BytesIO()
ForkingPickler(buf, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL).dump(obj)
def recv(self):
"""Receive object"""
buf = self.recv_bytes()
return pickle.loads(buf)
def __getattr__(self, name):
"""Emmulate conn"""
attr = self.__dict__.get('_conn', None)
return getattr(attr, name)
class Queue(multiprocessing.queues.Queue):
"""Wrapper for multiprocessing queue that dumps NDArray with shared memory."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if sys.version_info[0] <= 2:
super(Queue, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
super(Queue, self).__init__(*args, ctx=multiprocessing.get_context(),
self._reader = ConnectionWrapper(self._reader)
self._writer = ConnectionWrapper(self._writer)
self._send = self._writer.send
self._recv = self._reader.recv
def default_batchify_fn(data):
"""Collate data into batch."""
if isinstance(data[0], nd.NDArray):
return nd.stack(*data)
elif isinstance(data[0], tuple):
data = zip(*data)
return [default_batchify_fn(i) for i in data]
data = np.asarray(data)
return nd.array(data, dtype=data.dtype)
def default_mp_batchify_fn(data):
"""Collate data into batch. Use shared memory for stacking."""
if isinstance(data[0], nd.NDArray):
out = nd.empty((len(data),) + data[0].shape, dtype=data[0].dtype,
ctx=context.Context('cpu_shared', 0))
return nd.stack(*data, out=out)
elif isinstance(data[0], tuple):
data = zip(*data)
return [default_mp_batchify_fn(i) for i in data]
data = np.asarray(data)
return nd.array(data, dtype=data.dtype,
ctx=context.Context('cpu_shared', 0))
def worker_loop(dataset, key_queue, data_queue, batchify_fn):
"""Worker loop for multiprocessing DataLoader."""
while True:
idx, samples = key_queue.get()
if idx is None:
batch = batchify_fn([dataset[i] for i in samples])
data_queue.put((idx, batch))
[docs]class DataLoader(object):
"""Loads data from a dataset and returns mini-batches of data.
dataset : Dataset
Source dataset. Note that numpy and mxnet arrays can be directly used
as a Dataset.
batch_size : int
Size of mini-batch.
shuffle : bool
Whether to shuffle the samples.
sampler : Sampler
The sampler to use. Either specify sampler or shuffle, not both.
last_batch : {'keep', 'discard', 'rollover'}
How to handle the last batch if batch_size does not evenly divide
keep - A batch with less samples than previous batches is returned.
discard - The last batch is discarded if its incomplete.
rollover - The remaining samples are rolled over to the next epoch.
batch_sampler : Sampler
A sampler that returns mini-batches. Do not specify batch_size,
shuffle, sampler, and last_batch if batch_sampler is specified.
batchify_fn : callable
Callback function to allow users to specify how to merge samples
into a batch. Defaults to `default_batchify_fn`::
def default_batchify_fn(data):
if isinstance(data[0], nd.NDArray):
return nd.stack(*data)
elif isinstance(data[0], tuple):
data = zip(*data)
return [default_batchify_fn(i) for i in data]
data = np.asarray(data)
return nd.array(data, dtype=data.dtype)
num_workers : int, default 0
The number of multiprocessing workers to use for data preprocessing.
`num_workers > 0` is not supported on Windows yet.
def __init__(self, dataset, batch_size=None, shuffle=False, sampler=None,
last_batch=None, batch_sampler=None, batchify_fn=None,
self._dataset = dataset
if batch_sampler is None:
if batch_size is None:
raise ValueError("batch_size must be specified unless " \
"batch_sampler is specified")
if sampler is None:
if shuffle:
sampler = _sampler.RandomSampler(len(dataset))
sampler = _sampler.SequentialSampler(len(dataset))
elif shuffle:
raise ValueError("shuffle must not be specified if sampler is specified")
batch_sampler = _sampler.BatchSampler(
sampler, batch_size, last_batch if last_batch else 'keep')
elif batch_size is not None or shuffle or sampler is not None or \
last_batch is not None:
raise ValueError("batch_size, shuffle, sampler and last_batch must " \
"not be specified if batch_sampler is specified.")
self._batch_sampler = batch_sampler
self._num_workers = num_workers
if batchify_fn is None:
if num_workers > 0:
self._batchify_fn = default_mp_batchify_fn
self._batchify_fn = default_batchify_fn
self._batchify_fn = batchify_fn
def __iter__(self):
if self._num_workers == 0:
for batch in self._batch_sampler:
yield self._batchify_fn([self._dataset[idx] for idx in batch])
key_queue = Queue()
data_queue = Queue(2*self._num_workers)
workers = []
for _ in range(self._num_workers):
worker = multiprocessing.Process(
args=(self._dataset, key_queue, data_queue, self._batchify_fn))
worker.daemon = True
for idx, batch in enumerate(self._batch_sampler):
key_queue.put((idx, batch))
num_batches = idx + 1
data_buffer = {}
curr_idx = 0
for _ in range(num_batches):
idx, batch = data_queue.get()
data_buffer[idx] = batch
while curr_idx in data_buffer:
yield data_buffer.pop(curr_idx)
curr_idx += 1
for _ in range(self._num_workers):
key_queue.put((None, None))
for worker in workers:
def __len__(self):
return len(self._batch_sampler)