The beginning training epoch.
Number of batches in a epoch.
Number of batches in a epoch. In default, it is set to ceil(num_train_examples / batch_size)
Fit the model.
Fit the model.
Training data
Evaluation data
The evaluation metric, cannot be null
A string kvstore type: 'local' : multi-devices on a single machine, will automatically choose one from 'local_update_cpu', 'local_allreduce_cpu', and 'local_allreduce_device' 'dist_sync' : multi-machines with BSP 'dist_async' : multi-machines with partical asynchronous In default uses 'local', often no need to change for single machine.
A callback that is invoked at end of each epoch. This can be used to checkpoint model each epoch.
A callback that is invoked at end of each batch For print purpose
When not specified, default logger will be used.
The list of work load for different devices, in the same order as ctx
Run the prediction, always only use one device.
Run the prediction, always only use one device.
eval data
the number of batch to run. Go though all batches if set -1
The predicted value of the output. Note the network may have multiple outputs, thus it return an array of NDArray
Checkpoint the model checkpoint into file.
Checkpoint the model checkpoint into file. You can also use pickle to do the job if you only work on python. The advantage of load/save is the file is language agnostic. This means the file saved using save can be loaded by other language binding of mxnet. You also get the benefit being able to directly load/save from cloud storage(S3, HDFS)
Prefix of model name.
will be saved for symbol.
- prefix-symbol.json
will be saved for parameters.
FeedForward.load : the method to load the model back.
Serialize the model to Java byte array
Serialize the model to Java byte array
serialized model bytes
Model class of MXNet for training and predicting feedforward nets. This class is designed for a single-data single output supervised network.