Path prefix from where to load the model artifacts These include the symbol, parameters, and synset.txt Example: file://model-dir/resnet-152 (containing resnet-152-symbol.json, resnet-152-0000.params, and synset.txt)
Descriptors defining the input node names, shape, layout and type parameters
Device contexts on which you want to run inference; defaults to CPU
Model epoch to load; defaults to 0
Takes flat arrays as input and returns (Label, Score) tuples.
Takes flat arrays as input and returns (Label, Score) tuples.
Indexed sequence one-dimensional array of floats
(Optional) How many result (sorting based on the last axis) elements to return. Default returns unsorted output.
Indexed sequence of (Label, Score) tuples
Perform multiple classification operations on NDArrays.
Perform multiple classification operations on NDArrays. Also works with batched input.
Indexed sequence of NDArrays
(Optional) How many result (sorting based on the last axis) elements to return. Default returns unsorted output.
Traversable sequence of (Label, Score) tuples
Device contexts on which you want to run inference; defaults to CPU
Device contexts on which you want to run inference; defaults to CPU
Model epoch to load; defaults to 0
Model epoch to load; defaults to 0
Descriptors defining the input node names, shape, layout and type parameters
Descriptors defining the input node names, shape, layout and type parameters
A class for classifier tasks