Gets the predicted class's name.
Gets the predicted class's name.
String representing the name of the predicted class
Gets the probability of the predicted class.
Gets the probability of the predicted class.
Float representing the probability of predicted class
Gets the maximum X coordinate for the bounding box containing the predicted object.
Gets the maximum X coordinate for the bounding box containing the predicted object.
Float of the max X coordinate for the object bounding box
Gets the minimum X coordinate for the bounding box containing the predicted object.
Gets the minimum X coordinate for the bounding box containing the predicted object.
Float of the min X coordinate for the object bounding box
Gets the maximum Y coordinate for the bounding box containing the predicted object.
Gets the maximum Y coordinate for the bounding box containing the predicted object.
Float of the max Y coordinate for the object bounding box
Gets the minimum Y coordinate for the bounding box containing the predicted object.
Gets the minimum Y coordinate for the bounding box containing the predicted object.
Float of the min Y coordinate for the object bounding box
The ObjectDetectorOutput class is a simple POJO helper class that is used to simplify the interactions with ObjectDetector predict results. The class stores the bounding box coordinates, name of preicted class, and the probability.