Installing MXNet on CentOS and other non-Ubuntu Linux systems

Step 1. Install build tools and git on CentOS >= 7 and Fedora >= 19:

sudo yum groupinstall -y "Development Tools" && sudo yum install -y git

Step 2. Install Atlas:

sudo yum install atlas-devel

Installing both git and cmake or make by following instructions on the websites is straightforward. Here we provide the instructions to build gcc-4.8 from source codes.

Step 3. Install the 32-bit libc with one of the following system-specific commands:

sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386 # In Ubuntu
sudo yum install glibc-devel.i686   # In RHEL (Red Hat Linux)
sudo yum install glibc-devel.i386   # In CentOS 5.8
sudo yum install glibc-devel.i686   # In CentOS 6/7

Step 4. Download and extract the gcc source code with the prerequisites:

tar -zxf gcc-4.8.5.tar.gz
cd gcc-4.8.5

Step 5. Build gcc by using 10 threads and then install to /usr/local

mkdir release && cd release
../configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-languages=c,c++
make -j10
sudo make install

Step 6. Add the lib path to your configure file such as ~/.bashrc:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/lib64

Step 7. Build OpenBLAS from source.

Step 8. Build OpenCV

To build OpenCV from source code, you need the cmake library.

  • If you don't have cmake or if your version of cmake is earlier than 3.6.1, run the following commands to install a newer version of cmake:
tar -zxvf cmake-3.6.1-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
alias cmake="cmake-3.6.1-Linux-x86_64/bin/cmake"
  • To download and extract the OpenCV source code, run the following commands:
unzip 2.4.13
cd opencv-2.4.13
mkdir release
cd release/
  • Build OpenCV. The following commands build OpenCV with 10 threads. We disabled GPU support, which might significantly slow down an MXNet program running on a GPU processor. It also disables 1394 which might generate a warning. Then install it on /usr/local.
make -j10
sudo make install
  • Add the lib path to your configuration such as ~/.bashrc.
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/