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# coding: utf-8
# pylint: disable= arguments-differ
"""MobileNet and MobileNetV2, implemented in Gluon."""
__all__ = ['MobileNet', 'MobileNetV2', 'mobilenet1_0', 'mobilenet_v2_1_0', 'mobilenet0_75',
           'mobilenet_v2_0_75', 'mobilenet0_5', 'mobilenet_v2_0_5', 'mobilenet0_25',
           'mobilenet_v2_0_25', 'get_mobilenet', 'get_mobilenet_v2']

__modify__ = 'dwSun'
__modified_date__ = '18/04/18'

import os

from ... import nn
from ....context import cpu
from ...block import HybridBlock
from .... import base

# Helpers
class RELU6(nn.HybridBlock):
    """Relu6 used in MobileNetV2."""

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(RELU6, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def hybrid_forward(self, F, x):
        return F.clip(x, 0, 6, name="relu6")

# pylint: disable= too-many-arguments
def _add_conv(out, channels=1, kernel=1, stride=1, pad=0,
              num_group=1, active=True, relu6=False):
    out.add(nn.Conv2D(channels, kernel, stride, pad, groups=num_group, use_bias=False))
    if active:
        out.add(RELU6() if relu6 else nn.Activation('relu'))

def _add_conv_dw(out, dw_channels, channels, stride, relu6=False):
    _add_conv(out, channels=dw_channels, kernel=3, stride=stride,
              pad=1, num_group=dw_channels, relu6=relu6)
    _add_conv(out, channels=channels, relu6=relu6)

class LinearBottleneck(nn.HybridBlock):
    r"""LinearBottleneck used in MobileNetV2 model from the
    `"Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks:
    Mobile Networks for Classification, Detection and Segmentation"
    `_ paper.

    in_channels : int
        Number of input channels.
    channels : int
        Number of output channels.
    t : int
        Layer expansion ratio.
    stride : int

    def __init__(self, in_channels, channels, t, stride, **kwargs):
        super(LinearBottleneck, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.use_shortcut = stride == 1 and in_channels == channels
        with self.name_scope():
            self.out = nn.HybridSequential()

            _add_conv(self.out, in_channels * t, relu6=True)
            _add_conv(self.out, in_channels * t, kernel=3, stride=stride,
                      pad=1, num_group=in_channels * t, relu6=True)
            _add_conv(self.out, channels, active=False, relu6=True)

    def hybrid_forward(self, F, x):
        out = self.out(x)
        if self.use_shortcut:
            out = F.elemwise_add(out, x)
        return out

# Net
[docs]class MobileNet(HybridBlock): r"""MobileNet model from the `"MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications" `_ paper. Parameters ---------- multiplier : float, default 1.0 The width multiplier for controling the model size. Only multipliers that are no less than 0.25 are supported. The actual number of channels is equal to the original channel size multiplied by this multiplier. classes : int, default 1000 Number of classes for the output layer. """ def __init__(self, multiplier=1.0, classes=1000, **kwargs): super(MobileNet, self).__init__(**kwargs) with self.name_scope(): self.features = nn.HybridSequential(prefix='') with self.features.name_scope(): _add_conv(self.features, channels=int(32 * multiplier), kernel=3, pad=1, stride=2) dw_channels = [int(x * multiplier) for x in [32, 64] + [128] * 2 + [256] * 2 + [512] * 6 + [1024]] channels = [int(x * multiplier) for x in [64] + [128] * 2 + [256] * 2 + [512] * 6 + [1024] * 2] strides = [1, 2] * 3 + [1] * 5 + [2, 1] for dwc, c, s in zip(dw_channels, channels, strides): _add_conv_dw(self.features, dw_channels=dwc, channels=c, stride=s) self.features.add(nn.GlobalAvgPool2D()) self.features.add(nn.Flatten()) self.output = nn.Dense(classes) def hybrid_forward(self, F, x): x = self.features(x) x = self.output(x) return x
[docs]class MobileNetV2(nn.HybridBlock): r"""MobileNetV2 model from the `"Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks: Mobile Networks for Classification, Detection and Segmentation" `_ paper. Parameters ---------- multiplier : float, default 1.0 The width multiplier for controling the model size. The actual number of channels is equal to the original channel size multiplied by this multiplier. classes : int, default 1000 Number of classes for the output layer. """ def __init__(self, multiplier=1.0, classes=1000, **kwargs): super(MobileNetV2, self).__init__(**kwargs) with self.name_scope(): self.features = nn.HybridSequential(prefix='features_') with self.features.name_scope(): _add_conv(self.features, int(32 * multiplier), kernel=3, stride=2, pad=1, relu6=True) in_channels_group = [int(x * multiplier) for x in [32] + [16] + [24] * 2 + [32] * 3 + [64] * 4 + [96] * 3 + [160] * 3] channels_group = [int(x * multiplier) for x in [16] + [24] * 2 + [32] * 3 + [64] * 4 + [96] * 3 + [160] * 3 + [320]] ts = [1] + [6] * 16 strides = [1, 2] * 2 + [1, 1, 2] + [1] * 6 + [2] + [1] * 3 for in_c, c, t, s in zip(in_channels_group, channels_group, ts, strides): self.features.add(LinearBottleneck(in_channels=in_c, channels=c, t=t, stride=s)) last_channels = int(1280 * multiplier) if multiplier > 1.0 else 1280 _add_conv(self.features, last_channels, relu6=True) self.features.add(nn.GlobalAvgPool2D()) self.output = nn.HybridSequential(prefix='output_') with self.output.name_scope(): self.output.add( nn.Conv2D(classes, 1, use_bias=False, prefix='pred_'), nn.Flatten() ) def hybrid_forward(self, F, x): x = self.features(x) x = self.output(x) return x
# Constructor
[docs]def get_mobilenet(multiplier, pretrained=False, ctx=cpu(), root=os.path.join(base.data_dir(), 'models'), **kwargs): r"""MobileNet model from the `"MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications" `_ paper. Parameters ---------- multiplier : float The width multiplier for controling the model size. Only multipliers that are no less than 0.25 are supported. The actual number of channels is equal to the original channel size multiplied by this multiplier. pretrained : bool, default False Whether to load the pretrained weights for model. ctx : Context, default CPU The context in which to load the pretrained weights. root : str, default $MXNET_HOME/models Location for keeping the model parameters. """ net = MobileNet(multiplier, **kwargs) if pretrained: from ..model_store import get_model_file version_suffix = '{0:.2f}'.format(multiplier) if version_suffix in ('1.00', '0.50'): version_suffix = version_suffix[:-1] net.load_parameters( get_model_file('mobilenet%s' % version_suffix, root=root), ctx=ctx) return net
[docs]def get_mobilenet_v2(multiplier, pretrained=False, ctx=cpu(), root=os.path.join(base.data_dir(), 'models'), **kwargs): r"""MobileNetV2 model from the `"Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks: Mobile Networks for Classification, Detection and Segmentation" `_ paper. Parameters ---------- multiplier : float The width multiplier for controling the model size. Only multipliers that are no less than 0.25 are supported. The actual number of channels is equal to the original channel size multiplied by this multiplier. pretrained : bool, default False Whether to load the pretrained weights for model. ctx : Context, default CPU The context in which to load the pretrained weights. root : str, default $MXNET_HOME/models Location for keeping the model parameters. """ net = MobileNetV2(multiplier, **kwargs) if pretrained: from ..model_store import get_model_file version_suffix = '{0:.2f}'.format(multiplier) if version_suffix in ('1.00', '0.50'): version_suffix = version_suffix[:-1] net.load_parameters( get_model_file('mobilenetv2_%s' % version_suffix, root=root), ctx=ctx) return net
[docs]def mobilenet1_0(**kwargs): r"""MobileNet model from the `"MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications" `_ paper, with width multiplier 1.0. Parameters ---------- pretrained : bool, default False Whether to load the pretrained weights for model. ctx : Context, default CPU The context in which to load the pretrained weights. """ return get_mobilenet(1.0, **kwargs)
[docs]def mobilenet_v2_1_0(**kwargs): r"""MobileNetV2 model from the `"Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks: Mobile Networks for Classification, Detection and Segmentation" `_ paper. Parameters ---------- pretrained : bool, default False Whether to load the pretrained weights for model. ctx : Context, default CPU The context in which to load the pretrained weights. """ return get_mobilenet_v2(1.0, **kwargs)
[docs]def mobilenet0_75(**kwargs): r"""MobileNet model from the `"MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications" `_ paper, with width multiplier 0.75. Parameters ---------- pretrained : bool, default False Whether to load the pretrained weights for model. ctx : Context, default CPU The context in which to load the pretrained weights. """ return get_mobilenet(0.75, **kwargs)
[docs]def mobilenet_v2_0_75(**kwargs): r"""MobileNetV2 model from the `"Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks: Mobile Networks for Classification, Detection and Segmentation" `_ paper. Parameters ---------- pretrained : bool, default False Whether to load the pretrained weights for model. ctx : Context, default CPU The context in which to load the pretrained weights. """ return get_mobilenet_v2(0.75, **kwargs)
[docs]def mobilenet0_5(**kwargs): r"""MobileNet model from the `"MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications" `_ paper, with width multiplier 0.5. Parameters ---------- pretrained : bool, default False Whether to load the pretrained weights for model. ctx : Context, default CPU The context in which to load the pretrained weights. """ return get_mobilenet(0.5, **kwargs)
[docs]def mobilenet_v2_0_5(**kwargs): r"""MobileNetV2 model from the `"Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks: Mobile Networks for Classification, Detection and Segmentation" `_ paper. Parameters ---------- pretrained : bool, default False Whether to load the pretrained weights for model. ctx : Context, default CPU The context in which to load the pretrained weights. """ return get_mobilenet_v2(0.5, **kwargs)
[docs]def mobilenet0_25(**kwargs): r"""MobileNet model from the `"MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications" `_ paper, with width multiplier 0.25. Parameters ---------- pretrained : bool, default False Whether to load the pretrained weights for model. ctx : Context, default CPU The context in which to load the pretrained weights. """ return get_mobilenet(0.25, **kwargs)
[docs]def mobilenet_v2_0_25(**kwargs): r"""MobileNetV2 model from the `"Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks: Mobile Networks for Classification, Detection and Segmentation" `_ paper. Parameters ---------- pretrained : bool, default False Whether to load the pretrained weights for model. ctx : Context, default CPU The context in which to load the pretrained weights. """ return get_mobilenet_v2(0.25, **kwargs)