Source code for mxnet.runtime

# coding: utf-8

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# pylint: disable=not-an-iterable

"""runtime querying of compile time features in the native library"""

import ctypes
import collections
from .base import _LIB, check_call

[docs]class Feature(ctypes.Structure): """ Compile time feature description, member fields: `name` and `enabled`. """ _fields_ = [ ("_name", ctypes.c_char_p), ("_enabled", ctypes.c_bool) ] @property def name(self): """ Feature name. """ return self._name.decode() @property def enabled(self): """ True if MXNet was compiled with the given compile-time feature. """ return self._enabled def __repr__(self): if self.enabled: return "✔ {}".format( else: return "✖ {}".format(
[docs]def feature_list(): """ Check the library for compile-time features. The list of features are maintained in libinfo.h and Returns ------- list List of :class:`.Feature` objects """ lib_features_c_array = ctypes.POINTER(Feature)() lib_features_size = ctypes.c_size_t() check_call(_LIB.MXLibInfoFeatures(ctypes.byref(lib_features_c_array), ctypes.byref(lib_features_size))) features = [lib_features_c_array[i] for i in range(lib_features_size.value)] return features
[docs]class Features(collections.OrderedDict): """ OrderedDict of name to Feature """ def __init__(self): super(Features, self).__init__([(, f) for f in feature_list()]) def __repr__(self): return str(list(self.values()))
[docs] def is_enabled(self, feature_name): """ Check for a particular feature by name Parameters ---------- feature_name: str The name of a valid feature as string for example 'CUDA' Returns ------- Boolean True if it's enabled, False if it's disabled, RuntimeError if the feature is not known """ feature_name = feature_name.upper() if feature_name not in self: raise RuntimeError("Feature '{}' is unknown, known features are: {}".format( feature_name, list(self.keys()))) return self[feature_name].enabled