struct | Context |
| Context information about the execution environment. More...
struct | DataBatch |
| DataBatch of NDArray, returned by Iterator. More...
struct | DataInst |
| a single data instance More...
struct | DataIteratorReg |
| Registry entry for DataIterator factory functions. More...
class | Engine |
| Dependency engine that schedules operations. More...
class | Executor |
| Executor of a computation graph. Executor can be created by Binding a symbol. More...
class | GPUAuxStream |
| Holds an auxiliary mshadow gpu stream that can be synced with a primary stream. More...
class | IIterator |
| iterator type More...
class | Imperative |
| runtime functions for NDArray More...
class | KVStore |
| distributed key-value store More...
class | NDArray |
| ndarray interface More...
struct | NDArrayFunctionReg |
| Registry entry for NDArrayFunction. More...
struct | OpContext |
| All the possible information needed by Operator.Forward and Backward This is the superset of RunContext. We use this data structure to bookkeep everything needed by Forward and Backward. More...
class | Operator |
| Operator interface. Operator defines basic operation unit of optimized computation graph in mxnet. This interface relies on pre-allocated memory in TBlob, the caller need to set the memory region in TBlob correctly before calling Forward and Backward. More...
class | OperatorProperty |
| OperatorProperty is a object that stores all information about Operator. It also contains method to generate context(device) specific operators. More...
struct | OperatorPropertyReg |
| Registry entry for OperatorProperty factory functions. More...
class | OpStatePtr |
| Operator state. This is a pointer type, its content is mutable even if OpStatePtr is const. More...
struct | Resource |
| Resources used by mxnet operations. A resource is something special other than NDArray, but will still participate. More...
class | ResourceManager |
| Global resource manager. More...
struct | ResourceRequest |
| The resources that can be requested by Operator. More...
struct | RunContext |
| execution time context. The information needed in runtime for actual execution. More...
class | Storage |
| Storage manager across multiple devices. More...
class | SyncedGPUAuxStream |
| Provides automatic coordination of an auxilary stream with a primary one. This object, upon construction, prepares an aux stream for use by syncing it with enqueued primary-stream work. Object destruction will sync again so future primary-stream work will wait on enqueued aux-stream work. If MXNET_GPU_WORKER_NSTREAMS == 1, then this defaults simply: the primary stream will equal the aux stream and the syncs will be executed as nops. See ./src/operator/cudnn/cudnn_convolution-inl.h for a usage example. More...
class | TBlob |
| tensor blob class that can be used to hold tensor of any dimension, any device and any data type, This is a weak type that can be used to transfer data through interface TBlob itself do not involve any arithmentic operations, but it can be converted to tensor of fixed dimension for further operations More...
class | TShape |
| A Shape class that is used to represent shape of each tensor. More...
class | Tuple |
| A dynamic sized array data structure that is optimized for storing small number of elements with same type. More...
typedef mshadow::cpu | cpu |
| mxnet cpu More...
typedef mshadow::gpu | gpu |
| mxnet gpu More...
typedef mshadow::index_t | index_t |
| index type usually use unsigned More...
typedef mshadow::default_real_t | real_t |
| data type that will be used to store ndarray More...
using | Op = nnvm::Op |
| operator structure from NNVM More...
using | StorageTypeVector = std::vector< int > |
| The result holder of storage type of each NodeEntry in the graph. More...
using | DispatchModeVector = std::vector< DispatchMode > |
| The result holder of dispatch mode of each Node in the graph. More...
typedef std::function< IIterator< DataBatch > *()> | DataIteratorFactory |
| typedef the factory function of data iterator More...
typedef std::function< void(NDArray **used_vars, real_t *scalars, NDArray **mutate_vars, int num_params, char **param_keys, char **param_vals)> | NDArrayAPIFunction |
| definition of NDArray function More...
using | FCreateOpState = std::function< OpStatePtr(const NodeAttrs &attrs, Context ctx, const mxnet::ShapeVector &in_shape, const std::vector< int > &in_type)> |
| Create a Layer style, forward/backward operator. This is easy to write code that contains state. OpStatePtr is a pointer type, it's content is mutable even if OpStatePtr is constant. More...
using | FExecType = std::function< ExecType(const NodeAttrs &attrs)> |
| Execution mode of this operator. More...
using | FStatefulCompute = std::function< void(const OpStatePtr &state, const OpContext &ctx, const std::vector< TBlob > &inputs, const std::vector< OpReqType > &req, const std::vector< TBlob > &outputs)> |
| Resiger a compute function for stateful operator. OpStatePtr is a pointer type, it's content is mutable even if OpStatePtr is constant. More...
using | FStatefulComputeEx = std::function< void(const OpStatePtr &state, const OpContext &ctx, const std::vector< NDArray > &inputs, const std::vector< OpReqType > &req, const std::vector< NDArray > &outputs)> |
| Resiger a compute function for stateful operator using NDArray interface. OpStatePtr is a pointer type, it's content is mutable even if OpStatePtr is constant. More...
using | FResourceRequest = std::function< std::vector< ResourceRequest >(const NodeAttrs &n)> |
| The resource request from the operator. An operator could register ResourceRequestEx, or ResourceRequest, or neither. More...
using | FResourceRequestEx = std::function< std::vector< ResourceRequest >(const NodeAttrs &n, const int dev_mask, const DispatchMode dispatch_mode)> |
| The resource request from the operator. An operator could register ResourceRequestEx, or ResourceRequest, or neither. If an operator registers both ResourceRequestEx and ResourceRequest, ResourceRequest is ignored. More...
using | FNDArrayFunction = std::function< void(const nnvm::NodeAttrs &attrs, const std::vector< NDArray > &inputs, std::vector< NDArray > *outputs)> |
| Register an operator called as a NDArray function. More...
using | FCompute = std::function< void(const nnvm::NodeAttrs &attrs, const OpContext &ctx, const std::vector< TBlob > &inputs, const std::vector< OpReqType > &req, const std::vector< TBlob > &outputs)> |
| Register a compute function for simple stateless forward only operator. More...
using | FComputeEx = std::function< void(const nnvm::NodeAttrs &attrs, const OpContext &ctx, const std::vector< NDArray > &inputs, const std::vector< OpReqType > &req, const std::vector< NDArray > &outputs)> |
| Register an NDArray compute function for simple stateless forward only operator. More...
using | FInferStorageType = std::function< bool(const NodeAttrs &attrs, const int dev_mask, DispatchMode *dispatch_mode, std::vector< int > *in_attrs, std::vector< int > *out_attrs)> |
| Register a storage and dispatch mode inference function based on storage types of the inputs and outputs, and the dev_mask for the operator. More...
using | FQuantizedOp = std::function< nnvm::NodePtr(const NodeAttrs &attrs)> |
| Register a quantized node creation function based on the attrs of the node. More...
using | FNeedRequantize = std::function< bool(const NodeAttrs &attrs)> |
| Register a function to determine if the output of a quantized operator needs to be requantized. This is usually used for the operators taking int8 data types while accumulating in int32, e.g. quantized_conv. More...
using | FAvoidQuantizeInput = std::function< bool(const NodeAttrs &attrs, size_t index)> |
| Register a function to determine if the input of a quantized operator needs to be quantized. This is usually used for the quantized operators which can handle fp32 inputs directly. More...
typedef std::function< OperatorProperty *()> | OperatorPropertyFactory |
| typedef the factory function of operator property More...
using | ShapeVector = std::vector< mxnet::TShape > |
| The result holder of shape of each NodeEntry in the graph. More...
using | FInferShape = nnvm::FInferNodeEntryAttr< mxnet::TShape > |
| Shape inference function. Update the shapes given the input shape information. TShape.ndim() == -1 means the shape is still unknown. More...
enum | FnProperty {
} |
| Function property, used to hint what action is pushed to engine. More...
enum | KVStoreServerProfilerCommand { KVStoreServerProfilerCommand::kSetConfig,
} |
| enum to denote types of commands kvstore sends to server regarding profiler kSetConfig sets profiler configs. Similar to mx.profiler.set_config() kState allows changing state of profiler to stop or run kPause allows pausing and resuming of profiler kDump asks profiler to dump output More...
enum | NDArrayStorageType { kUndefinedStorage = -1,
} |
enum | NDArrayFormatErr {
} |
enum | NDArrayFunctionTypeMask { kNDArrayArgBeforeScalar = 1,
kScalarArgBeforeNDArray = 1 << 1,
kAcceptEmptyMutateTarget = 1 << 2
} |
| mask information on how functions can be exposed More...
enum | OpReqType { kNullOp,
} |
| operation request type to Forward and Backward More...
enum | ExecType { ExecType::kSync,
} |
| the execution type of the operator More...
enum | DispatchMode {
DispatchMode::kUndefined = -1,
} |
| the dispatch mode of the operator More...
void | on_enter_api (const char *function) |
void | on_exit_api () |
size_t | num_aux_data (NDArrayStorageType stype) |
void | CopyFromTo (const NDArray &from, const NDArray *to, int priority=0) |
| issue an copy operation from one NDArray to another the two ndarray can sit on different devices this operation will be scheduled by the engine More...
void | CopyFromTo (const NDArray &from, const NDArray &to, int priority=0, bool is_opr=false) |
| issue an copy operation from one NDArray to another the two ndarray can sit on different devices this operation will be scheduled by the engine More...
void | ElementwiseSum (const std::vector< NDArray > &source, NDArray *out, int priority=0) |
| Perform elementwise sum over each data from source, store result into out. More...
NDArray | operator+ (const NDArray &lhs, const NDArray &rhs) |
| elementwise add More...
NDArray | operator+ (const NDArray &lhs, const real_t &rhs) |
| elementwise add More...
NDArray | operator- (const NDArray &lhs, const NDArray &rhs) |
| elementwise subtraction More...
NDArray | operator- (const NDArray &lhs, const real_t &rhs) |
| elementwise subtraction More...
NDArray | operator* (const NDArray &lhs, const NDArray &rhs) |
| elementwise multiplication More...
NDArray | operator* (const NDArray &lhs, const real_t &rhs) |
| elementwise multiplication More...
NDArray | operator/ (const NDArray &lhs, const NDArray &rhs) |
| elementwise division More...
NDArray | operator/ (const NDArray &lhs, const real_t &rhs) |
| elementwise division More...
void | RandomSeed (uint32_t seed) |
| Seed all random number generator in mxnet. More...
void | RandomSeed (Context ctx, uint32_t seed) |
| Seed the random number generator of the device. More...
void | SampleUniform (real_t begin, real_t end, NDArray *out) |
| Sample uniform distribution for each elements of out. More...
void | SampleGaussian (real_t mu, real_t sigma, NDArray *out) |
| Sample gaussian distribution for each elements of out. More...
void | SampleGamma (real_t alpha, real_t beta, NDArray *out) |
| Sample gamma distribution for each elements of out. More...
void | SampleExponential (real_t lambda, NDArray *out) |
| Sample exponential distribution for each elements of out. More...
void | SamplePoisson (real_t lambda, NDArray *out) |
| Sample Poisson distribution for each elements of out. More...
void | SampleNegBinomial (int32_t k, real_t p, NDArray *out) |
| Sample negative binomial distribution for each elements of out. More...
void | SampleGenNegBinomial (real_t mu, real_t alpha, NDArray *out) |
| Sample generalized negative binomial distribution for each elements of out. More...
bool | ndim_is_known (const int ndim) |
bool | dim_size_is_known (const dim_t dim_size) |
bool | ndim_is_known (const TShape &x) |
bool | dim_size_is_known (const TShape &x, const int idx) |
bool | shape_is_known (const TShape &x) |
template<typename SrcIter , typename DstIter > |
DstIter | ShapeTypeCast (const SrcIter begin, const SrcIter end, DstIter dst_begin) |
| helper function to cast type of container elements More...
template<typename SrcIter > |
TShape | ShapeTypeCast (const SrcIter begin, const SrcIter end) |
| helper function to transform a container to TShape with type cast More...
namespace of mxnet
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