

AdaptiveAvgPooling2D([data, output_size, …])

Applies a 2D adaptive average pooling over a 4D input with the shape of (NCHW).

BatchNormWithReLU([data, gamma, beta, …])

Batch normalization with ReLU fusion.

BilinearResize2D([data, like, height, …])

Perform 2D resizing (upsampling or downsampling) for 4D input using bilinear interpolation.

CTCLoss([data, label, data_lengths, …])

Connectionist Temporal Classification Loss.

DeformableConvolution([data, offset, …])

Compute 2-D deformable convolution on 4-D input.

DeformablePSROIPooling([data, rois, trans, …])

Performs deformable position-sensitive region-of-interest pooling on inputs.

ModulatedDeformableConvolution([data, …])

Compute 2-D modulated deformable convolution on 4-D input.

MultiBoxDetection([cls_prob, loc_pred, …])

Convert multibox detection predictions.

MultiBoxPrior([data, sizes, ratios, clip, …])

Generate prior(anchor) boxes from data, sizes and ratios.

MultiBoxTarget([anchor, label, cls_pred, …])

Compute Multibox training targets

MultiProposal([cls_prob, bbox_pred, …])

Generate region proposals via RPN

PSROIPooling([data, rois, spatial_scale, …])

Performs region-of-interest pooling on inputs.

Proposal([cls_prob, bbox_pred, im_info, …])

Generate region proposals via RPN

ROIAlign([data, rois, pooled_size, …])

This operator takes a 4D feature map as an input array and region proposals as rois, then align the feature map over sub-regions of input and produces a fixed-sized output array.

RROIAlign([data, rois, pooled_size, …])

Performs Rotated ROI Align on the input array.

SparseEmbedding([data, weight, input_dim, …])

Maps integer indices to vector representations (embeddings).

SyncBatchNorm([data, gamma, beta, …])

Batch normalization.

allclose([a, b, rtol, atol, equal_nan, out, …])

This operators implements the numpy.allclose(a, b, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False)

arange_like([data, start, step, repeat, …])

Return an array with evenly spaced values.

backward_gradientmultiplier([data, scalar, …])

param data

source input

backward_hawkesll([out, name])

param out

The output NDArray to hold the result.

backward_index_copy([out, name])

param out

The output NDArray to hold the result.

backward_quadratic([out, name])

param out

The output NDArray to hold the result.

bipartite_matching([data, is_ascend, …])

Compute bipartite matching.

boolean_mask([data, index, axis, out, name])

Given an n-d NDArray data, and a 1-d NDArray index, the operator produces an un-predeterminable shaped n-d NDArray out, which stands for the rows in x where the corresonding element in index is non-zero.

box_decode([data, anchors, std0, std1, …])

Decode bounding boxes training target with normalized center offsets.

box_encode([samples, matches, anchors, …])

Encode bounding boxes training target with normalized center offsets.

box_iou([lhs, rhs, format, out, name])

Bounding box overlap of two arrays.

box_nms([data, overlap_thresh, …])

Apply non-maximum suppression to input.

box_non_maximum_suppression([data, …])

Apply non-maximum suppression to input.

calibrate_entropy([hist, hist_edges, …])

Provide calibrated min/max for input histogram.

count_sketch([data, h, s, out_dim, …])

Apply CountSketch to input: map a d-dimension data to k-dimension data”

ctc_loss([data, label, data_lengths, …])

Connectionist Temporal Classification Loss.

dequantize([data, min_range, max_range, …])

Dequantize the input tensor into a float tensor.

dgl_adjacency([data, out, name])

This operator converts a CSR matrix whose values are edge Ids to an adjacency matrix whose values are ones.


This operator samples sub-graph from a csr graph via an non-uniform probability.


This operator samples sub-graphs from a csr graph via an uniform probability.

dgl_graph_compact(*graph_data, **kwargs)

This operator compacts a CSR matrix generated by dgl_csr_neighbor_uniform_sample and dgl_csr_neighbor_non_uniform_sample.

dgl_subgraph(*data, **kwargs)

This operator constructs an induced subgraph for a given set of vertices from a graph.

div_sqrt_dim([data, out, name])

Rescale the input by the square root of the channel dimension.

edge_id([data, u, v, out, name])

This operator implements the edge_id function for a graph stored in a CSR matrix (the value of the CSR stores the edge Id of the graph).

fft([data, compute_size, out, name])

Apply 1D FFT to input”

getnnz([data, axis, out, name])

Number of stored values for a sparse tensor, including explicit zeros.

gradientmultiplier([data, scalar, is_int, …])

This operator implements the gradient multiplier function.

group_adagrad_update([weight, grad, …])

Update function for Group AdaGrad optimizer.

hawkesll([lda, alpha, beta, state, lags, …])

Computes the log likelihood of a univariate Hawkes process.

ifft([data, compute_size, out, name])

Apply 1D ifft to input”

index_array([data, axes, out, name])

Returns an array of indexes of the input array.

index_copy([old_tensor, index_vector, …])

Copies the elements of a new_tensor into the old_tensor.

interleaved_matmul_encdec_qk([queries, …])

Compute the matrix multiplication between the projections of queries and keys in multihead attention use as encoder-decoder.


Compute the matrix multiplication between the projections of values and the attention weights in multihead attention use as encoder-decoder.


Compute the matrix multiplication between the projections of queries and keys in multihead attention use as self attention.


Compute the matrix multiplication between the projections of values and the attention weights in multihead attention use as self attention.

intgemm_fully_connected([data, weight, …])

Multiply matrices using 8-bit integers.

intgemm_maxabsolute([data, out, name])

Compute the maximum absolute value in a tensor of float32 fast on a CPU.

intgemm_prepare_data([data, maxabs, out, name])

This operator converts quantizes float32 to int8 while also banning -128.

intgemm_prepare_weight([weight, maxabs, …])

This operator converts a weight matrix in column-major format to intgemm’s internal fast representation of weight matrices.

intgemm_take_weight([weight, indices, out, name])

Index a weight matrix stored in intgemm’s weight format.

quadratic([data, a, b, c, out, name])

This operators implements the quadratic function.

quantize([data, min_range, max_range, …])

Quantize a input tensor from float to out_type, with user-specified min_range and max_range.

quantize_asym([data, min_calib_range, …])

Quantize a input tensor from float to uint8_t.

quantize_v2([data, out_type, …])

Quantize a input tensor from float to out_type, with user-specified min_calib_range and max_calib_range or the input range collected at runtime.

quantized_act([data, min_data, max_data, …])

Activation operator for input and output data type of int8.

quantized_batch_norm([data, gamma, beta, …])

BatchNorm operator for input and output data type of int8.

quantized_concat(*data, **kwargs)

Joins input arrays along a given axis.

quantized_conv([data, weight, bias, …])

Convolution operator for input, weight and bias data type of int8, and accumulates in type int32 for the output.

quantized_elemwise_add([lhs, rhs, lhs_min, …])

elemwise_add operator for input dataA and input dataB data type of int8,

quantized_elemwise_mul([lhs, rhs, lhs_min, …])

Multiplies arguments int8 element-wise.

quantized_embedding([data, weight, …])

Maps integer indices to int8 vector representations (embeddings).

quantized_flatten([data, min_data, …])

param data

A ndarray/symbol of type float32

quantized_fully_connected([data, weight, …])

Fully Connected operator for input, weight and bias data type of int8, and accumulates in type int32 for the output.

quantized_pooling([data, min_data, …])

Pooling operator for input and output data type of int8.

quantized_rnn([data, parameters, state, …])

RNN operator for input data type of uint8.

requantize([data, min_range, max_range, …])

Given data that is quantized in int32 and the corresponding thresholds, requantize the data into int8 using min and max thresholds either calculated at runtime or from calibration.

round_ste([data, out, name])

Straight-through-estimator of round().

sign_ste([data, out, name])

Straight-through-estimator of sign().