Applies correlation to inputs.
The correlation layer performs multiplicative patch comparisons between two feature maps.
Given two multi-channel feature maps \(f_{1}, f_{2}\), with \(w\), \(h\), and \(c\) being their width, height, and number of channels, the correlation layer lets the network compare each patch from \(f_{1}\) with each patch from \(f_{2}\).
For now we consider only a single comparison of two patches. The ‘correlation’ of two patches centered at \(x_{1}\) in the first map and \(x_{2}\) in the second map is then defined as:
for a square patch of size \(K:=2k+1\).
Note that the equation above is identical to one step of a convolution in neural networks, but instead of convolving data with a filter, it convolves data with other data. For this reason, it has no training weights.
Computing \(c(x_{1}, x_{2})\) involves \(c * K^{2}\) multiplications. Comparing all patch combinations involves \(w^{2}*h^{2}\) such computations.
Given a maximum displacement \(d\), for each location \(x_{1}\) it computes correlations \(c(x_{1}, x_{2})\) only in a neighborhood of size \(D:=2d+1\), by limiting the range of \(x_{2}\). We use strides \(s_{1}, s_{2}\), to quantize \(x_{1}\) globally and to quantize \(x_{2}\) within the neighborhood centered around \(x_{1}\).
The final output is defined by the following expression:
where \(i\) and \(j\) enumerate spatial locations in \(f_{1}\), and \(q\) denotes the \(q^{th}\) neighborhood of \(x_{i,j}\).
Argument |
Description |
NDArray-or-Symbol. Input data1 to the correlation. |
NDArray-or-Symbol. Input data2 to the correlation. |
int (non-negative), optional, default=1. kernel size for Correlation must be an odd number |
int (non-negative), optional, default=1. Max displacement of Correlation |
int (non-negative), optional, default=1. stride1 quantize data1 globally |
int (non-negative), optional, default=1. stride2 quantize data2 within the neighborhood centered around data1 |
int (non-negative), optional, default=0. pad for Correlation |
boolean, optional, default=1. operation type is either multiplication or subduction |
string, optional. Name of the resulting symbol. |
The result mx.symbol
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