Applies recurrent layers to input data. Currently, vanilla RNN, LSTM and GRU are implemented, with both multi-layer and bidirectional support.
When the input data is of type float32 and the environment variables MXNET_CUDA_ALLOW_TENSOR_CORE and MXNET_CUDA_TENSOR_OP_MATH_ALLOW_CONVERSION are set to 1, this operator will try to use pseudo-float16 precision (float32 math with float16 I/O) precision in order to use Tensor Cores on suitable NVIDIA GPUs. This can sometimes give significant speedups.
Vanilla RNN
Applies a single-gate recurrent layer to input X. Two kinds of activation function are supported: ReLU and Tanh.
With ReLU activation function:
With Tanh activtion function:
Reference paper: Finding structure in time - Elman, 1988.
Long Short-Term Memory - Hochreiter, 1997.
With the projection size being set, LSTM could use the projection feature to reduce the parameters size and give some speedups without significant damage to the accuracy.
Long Short-Term Memory Based Recurrent Neural Network Architectures for Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition - Sak et al. 2014.
Gated Recurrent Unit - Cho et al. 2014.
The definition of GRU here is slightly different from paper but compatible with CUDNN.
Argument |
Description |
NDArray-or-Symbol. Input data to RNN |
NDArray-or-Symbol. Vector of all RNN trainable parameters concatenated |
NDArray-or-Symbol initial hidden state of the RNN |
NDArray-or-Symbol initial cell state for LSTM networks (only for LSTM) |
NDArray-or-Symbol. Vector of valid sequence lengths for each element in batch. (Only used if use_sequence_length kwarg is True) |
int (non-negative), required. size of the state for each layer |
int (non-negative), required. number of stacked layers |
boolean, optional, default=0. whether to use bidirectional recurrent layers |
{‘gru’, ‘lstm’, ‘rnn_relu’, ‘rnn_tanh’}, required. the type of RNN to compute |
float, optional, default=0. drop rate of the dropout on the outputs of each RNN layer, except the last layer. |
boolean, optional, default=0. Whether to have the states as symbol outputs. |
int or None, optional, default=’None’ size of project size |
double or None, optional, default=None. Minimum clip value of LSTM states. This option must be used together with lstm_state_clip_max. |
double or None, optional, default=None. Maximum clip value of LSTM states. This option must be used together with lstm_state_clip_min. |
boolean, optional, default=0. Whether to stop NaN from propagating in state by clipping it to min/max. If clipping range is not specified, this option is ignored. |
boolean, optional, default=0. If set to true, this layer takes in an extra input parameter sequence_length to specify variable length sequence |
string, optional. Name of the resulting symbol. |
The result mx.symbol
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