Clang-format Guide and Tips

This wiki page describes how to set up clang-format tool as a part of your worklow. Running the command given in the description will fix clang-format problem.

  • Add tools/lint/git-clang-format-13 to your $PATH. Once its added to your $PATH, running git clang-format will invoke it.
    git clang-format
  • To reformat chosen file just do:
    # `_FILE_NAME_` is the name of a file to be formatted.
    # i - apply edits to files instead of displaying a diff
    clang-format -i _FILE_NAME_
  • To reformat all the lines in the latest git commit, just do: ```bash git diff -U0 –no-color HEAD^ | -i -p1

- If you want to apply clang-format only to the changed lines in each commit do the following:
# If it's a child of origin/master, the following command-line could be used:
# If you want to run this command on another brnach, then origin/master needs to be replaced.
export COMMIT_SHA=$(git rev-list --ancestry-path origin/master..HEAD | tail -n 1)

git filter-branch --tree-filter 'git-clang-format $COMMIT_SHA^' -- $COMMIT_SHA..HEAD