File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 initializer.hRandom initializer
 lr_scheduler.hScheduling learning rate
 model.hMXNET.cpp model module
 monitor.hMonitor definition
 MxNetCpp.hMeta include file for mxnet.cpp
 op.hDefinition of all the operators
 op_map.hDefinition of OpMap
 op_suppl.hA supplement and amendment of the operators from op.h
 op_util.hOperator helper functions
 optimizer.hDefinition of optimizer
 shape.hDefinition of shape
 symbol.hDefinition of symbol
 c_api.hC API of mxnet
 c_api_error.hError handling for C API
 c_api_test.hC API of mxnet for ease of testing backend in Python
 c_predict_api.hC predict API of mxnet, contains a minimum API to run prediction. This file is self-contained, and do not dependent on any other files
 engine.hEngine that schedules all the operations according to dependency
 graph_attr_types.hData structures that can appear in graph attributes
 op_attr_types.hAdditional operator attributes beside the ones provided by NNVM
 operator_util.hUtility functions and registries to help quickly build new operators. [Deprecated] Use the register functions in this file when possible to simplify operator creations. Operators registered in this file will be exposed to both NDArray API and symbolic API
 random_generator.hParallel random number generator
 resource.hGlobal resource allocation handling
 storage.hStorage manager across multiple devices
 tensor_blob.hTBlob class that holds common representation of arbirary dimension tensor, can be used to transformed to normal fixed dimenson tensor
 cuda_utils.hCUDA debugging utilities
 exec_utils.hCommon utility functions for executors
 lazy_alloc_array.hAn array that lazily allocate elements as First time the cell get visited
 serialization.hSerialization of some STL and nnvm data-structures
 utils.hBasic utilility functions