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# coding: utf-8
# pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass
"""Data iterators for common data formats."""
from collections import namedtuple
import sys
import ctypes
import logging
import threading
import numpy as np
from ..base import _LIB
from ..base import c_str_array, mx_uint, py_str
from ..base import DataIterHandle, NDArrayHandle
from ..base import mx_real_t
from ..base import check_call, build_param_doc as _build_param_doc
from ..ndarray import NDArray
from ..ndarray.sparse import CSRNDArray
from ..ndarray import _ndarray_cls
from ..ndarray import array
from ..ndarray import concat, tile
from .utils import _init_data, _has_instance, _getdata_by_idx, _slice_along_batch_axis
[docs]class DataDesc(namedtuple('DataDesc', ['name', 'shape'])):
"""DataDesc is used to store name, shape, type and layout
information of the data or the label.
The `layout` describes how the axes in `shape` should be interpreted,
for example for image data setting `layout=NCHW` indicates
that the first axis is number of examples in the batch(N),
C is number of channels, H is the height and W is the width of the image.
For sequential data, by default `layout` is set to ``NTC``, where
N is number of examples in the batch, T the temporal axis representing time
and C is the number of channels.
cls : DataDesc
The class.
name : str
Data name.
shape : tuple of int
Data shape.
dtype : np.dtype, optional
Data type.
layout : str, optional
Data layout.
def __new__(cls, name, shape, dtype=mx_real_t, layout='NCHW'): # pylint: disable=super-on-old-class
ret = super(cls, DataDesc).__new__(cls, name, shape)
ret.dtype = dtype
ret.layout = layout
return ret
def __repr__(self):
return "DataDesc[%s,%s,%s,%s]" % (, self.shape, self.dtype,
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_batch_axis(layout):
"""Get the dimension that corresponds to the batch size.
When data parallelism is used, the data will be automatically split and
concatenated along the batch-size dimension. Axis can be -1, which means
the whole array will be copied for each data-parallelism device.
layout : str
layout string. For example, "NCHW".
An axis indicating the batch_size dimension.
if layout is None:
return 0
return layout.find('N')
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_list(shapes, types):
"""Get DataDesc list from attribute lists.
shapes : a tuple of (name_, shape_)
types : a tuple of (name_, np.dtype)
if types is not None:
type_dict = dict(types)
return [DataDesc(x[0], x[1], type_dict[x[0]]) for x in shapes]
return [DataDesc(x[0], x[1]) for x in shapes]
[docs]class DataBatch(object):
"""A data batch.
MXNet's data iterator returns a batch of data for each `next` call.
This data contains `batch_size` number of examples.
If the input data consists of images, then shape of these images depend on
the `layout` attribute of `DataDesc` object in `provide_data` parameter.
If `layout` is set to 'NCHW' then, images should be stored in a 4-D matrix
of shape ``(batch_size, num_channel, height, width)``.
If `layout` is set to 'NHWC' then, images should be stored in a 4-D matrix
of shape ``(batch_size, height, width, num_channel)``.
The channels are often in RGB order.
data : list of `NDArray`, each array containing `batch_size` examples.
A list of input data.
label : list of `NDArray`, each array often containing a 1-dimensional array. optional
A list of input labels.
pad : int, optional
The number of examples padded at the end of a batch. It is used when the
total number of examples read is not divisible by the `batch_size`.
These extra padded examples are ignored in prediction.
index : numpy.array, optional
The example indices in this batch.
bucket_key : int, optional
The bucket key, used for bucketing module.
provide_data : list of `DataDesc`, optional
A list of `DataDesc` objects. `DataDesc` is used to store
name, shape, type and layout information of the data.
The *i*-th element describes the name and shape of ``data[i]``.
provide_label : list of `DataDesc`, optional
A list of `DataDesc` objects. `DataDesc` is used to store
name, shape, type and layout information of the label.
The *i*-th element describes the name and shape of ``label[i]``.
def __init__(self, data, label=None, pad=None, index=None,
bucket_key=None, provide_data=None, provide_label=None):
if data is not None:
assert isinstance(data, (list, tuple)), "Data must be list of NDArrays"
if label is not None:
assert isinstance(label, (list, tuple)), "Label must be list of NDArrays" = data
self.label = label
self.pad = pad
self.index = index
self.bucket_key = bucket_key
self.provide_data = provide_data
self.provide_label = provide_label
def __str__(self):
data_shapes = [d.shape for d in]
if self.label:
label_shapes = [l.shape for l in self.label]
label_shapes = None
return "{}: data shapes: {} label shapes: {}".format(
[docs]class DataIter(object):
"""The base class for an MXNet data iterator.
All I/O in MXNet is handled by specializations of this class. Data iterators
in MXNet are similar to standard-iterators in Python. On each call to `next`
they return a `DataBatch` which represents the next batch of data. When
there is no more data to return, it raises a `StopIteration` exception.
batch_size : int, optional
The batch size, namely the number of items in the batch.
See Also
NDArrayIter : Data-iterator for MXNet NDArray or numpy-ndarray objects.
CSVIter : Data-iterator for csv data.
LibSVMIter : Data-iterator for libsvm data.
ImageIter : Data-iterator for images.
def __init__(self, batch_size=0):
self.batch_size = batch_size
def __iter__(self):
return self
[docs] def next(self):
"""Get next data batch from iterator.
The data of next batch.
If the end of the data is reached.
if self.iter_next():
return DataBatch(data=self.getdata(), label=self.getlabel(), \
pad=self.getpad(), index=self.getindex())
raise StopIteration
def __next__(self):
[docs] def iter_next(self):
"""Move to the next batch.
Whether the move is successful.
[docs] def getdata(self):
"""Get data of current batch.
list of NDArray
The data of the current batch.
[docs] def getlabel(self):
"""Get label of the current batch.
list of NDArray
The label of the current batch.
[docs] def getindex(self):
"""Get index of the current batch.
index : numpy.array
The indices of examples in the current batch.
return None
[docs] def getpad(self):
"""Get the number of padding examples in the current batch.
Number of padding examples in the current batch.
[docs]class ResizeIter(DataIter):
"""Resize a data iterator to a given number of batches.
data_iter : DataIter
The data iterator to be resized.
size : int
The number of batches per epoch to resize to.
reset_internal : bool
Whether to reset internal iterator on ResizeIter.reset.
>>> nd_iter =,10)), batch_size=25)
>>> resize_iter =, 2)
>>> for batch in resize_iter:
... print(
[<NDArray 25x10 @cpu(0)>]
[<NDArray 25x10 @cpu(0)>]
def __init__(self, data_iter, size, reset_internal=True):
super(ResizeIter, self).__init__()
self.data_iter = data_iter
self.size = size
self.reset_internal = reset_internal
self.cur = 0
self.current_batch = None
self.provide_data = data_iter.provide_data
self.provide_label = data_iter.provide_label
self.batch_size = data_iter.batch_size
if hasattr(data_iter, 'default_bucket_key'):
self.default_bucket_key = data_iter.default_bucket_key
[docs] def iter_next(self):
if self.cur == self.size:
return False
self.current_batch =
except StopIteration:
self.current_batch =
self.cur += 1
return True
[docs]class PrefetchingIter(DataIter):
"""Performs pre-fetch for other data iterators.
This iterator will create another thread to perform ``iter_next`` and then
store the data in memory. It potentially accelerates the data read, at the
cost of more memory usage.
iters : DataIter or list of DataIter
The data iterators to be pre-fetched.
rename_data : None or list of dict
The *i*-th element is a renaming map for the *i*-th iter, in the form of
{'original_name' : 'new_name'}. Should have one entry for each entry
in iter[i].provide_data.
rename_label : None or list of dict
Similar to ``rename_data``.
>>> iter1 ={'data':mx.nd.ones((100,10))}, batch_size=25)
>>> iter2 ={'data':mx.nd.ones((100,10))}, batch_size=25)
>>> piter =[iter1, iter2],
... rename_data=[{'data': 'data_1'}, {'data': 'data_2'}])
>>> print(piter.provide_data)
[DataDesc[data_1,(25, 10L),<type 'numpy.float32'>,NCHW],
DataDesc[data_2,(25, 10L),<type 'numpy.float32'>,NCHW]]
def __init__(self, iters, rename_data=None, rename_label=None):
super(PrefetchingIter, self).__init__()
if not isinstance(iters, list):
iters = [iters]
self.n_iter = len(iters)
assert self.n_iter > 0
self.iters = iters
self.rename_data = rename_data
self.rename_label = rename_label
self.batch_size = self.provide_data[0][1][0]
self.data_ready = [threading.Event() for i in range(self.n_iter)]
self.data_taken = [threading.Event() for i in range(self.n_iter)]
for i in self.data_taken:
self.started = True
self.current_batch = [None for i in range(self.n_iter)]
self.next_batch = [None for i in range(self.n_iter)]
def prefetch_func(self, i):
"""Thread entry"""
while True:
if not self.started:
self.next_batch[i] = self.iters[i].next()
except StopIteration:
self.next_batch[i] = None
self.prefetch_threads = [threading.Thread(target=prefetch_func, args=[self, i]) \
for i in range(self.n_iter)]
for thread in self.prefetch_threads:
def __del__(self):
self.started = False
for i in self.data_taken:
for thread in self.prefetch_threads:
def provide_data(self):
if self.rename_data is None:
return sum([i.provide_data for i in self.iters], [])
return sum([[
DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype)
if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x)
for x in i.provide_data
] for r, i in zip(self.rename_data, self.iters)], [])
def provide_label(self):
if self.rename_label is None:
return sum([i.provide_label for i in self.iters], [])
return sum([[
DataDesc(r[], x.shape, x.dtype)
if isinstance(x, DataDesc) else DataDesc(*x)
for x in i.provide_label
] for r, i in zip(self.rename_label, self.iters)], [])
[docs] def reset(self):
for i in self.data_ready:
for i in self.iters:
for i in self.data_ready:
for i in self.data_taken:
[docs] def iter_next(self):
for i in self.data_ready:
if self.next_batch[0] is None:
for i in self.next_batch:
assert i is None, "Number of entry mismatches between iterators"
return False
for batch in self.next_batch:
assert batch.pad == self.next_batch[0].pad, \
"Number of entry mismatches between iterators"
self.current_batch = DataBatch(sum([ for batch in self.next_batch], []),
sum([batch.label for batch in self.next_batch], []),
for i in self.data_ready:
for i in self.data_taken:
return True
[docs]class NDArrayIter(DataIter):
"""Returns an iterator for ``mx.nd.NDArray``, ``numpy.ndarray``, ``h5py.Dataset``
``mx.nd.sparse.CSRNDArray`` or ``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix``.
>>> data = np.arange(40).reshape((10,2,2))
>>> labels = np.ones([10, 1])
>>> dataiter =, labels, 3, True, last_batch_handle='discard')
>>> for batch in dataiter:
... print[0].asnumpy()
[[[ 36. 37.]
[ 38. 39.]]
[[ 16. 17.]
[ 18. 19.]]
[[ 12. 13.]
[ 14. 15.]]]
(3L, 2L, 2L)
[[[ 32. 33.]
[ 34. 35.]]
[[ 4. 5.]
[ 6. 7.]]
[[ 24. 25.]
[ 26. 27.]]]
(3L, 2L, 2L)
[[[ 8. 9.]
[ 10. 11.]]
[[ 20. 21.]
[ 22. 23.]]
[[ 28. 29.]
[ 30. 31.]]]
(3L, 2L, 2L)
>>> dataiter.provide_data # Returns a list of `DataDesc`
[DataDesc[data,(3, 2L, 2L),<type 'numpy.float32'>,NCHW]]
>>> dataiter.provide_label # Returns a list of `DataDesc`
[DataDesc[softmax_label,(3, 1L),<type 'numpy.float32'>,NCHW]]
In the above example, data is shuffled as `shuffle` parameter is set to `True`
and remaining examples are discarded as `last_batch_handle` parameter is set to `discard`.
Usage of `last_batch_handle` parameter:
>>> dataiter =, labels, 3, True, last_batch_handle='pad')
>>> batchidx = 0
>>> for batch in dataiter:
... batchidx += 1
>>> batchidx # Padding added after the examples read are over. So, 10/3+1 batches are created.
>>> dataiter =, labels, 3, True, last_batch_handle='discard')
>>> batchidx = 0
>>> for batch in dataiter:
... batchidx += 1
>>> batchidx # Remaining examples are discarded. So, 10/3 batches are created.
>>> dataiter =, labels, 3, False, last_batch_handle='roll_over')
>>> batchidx = 0
>>> for batch in dataiter:
... batchidx += 1
>>> batchidx # Remaining examples are rolled over to the next iteration.
>>> dataiter.reset()
[[[ 36. 37.]
[ 38. 39.]]
[[ 0. 1.]
[ 2. 3.]]
[[ 4. 5.]
[ 6. 7.]]]
(3L, 2L, 2L)
`NDArrayIter` also supports multiple input and labels.
>>> data = {'data1':np.zeros(shape=(10,2,2)), 'data2':np.zeros(shape=(20,2,2))}
>>> label = {'label1':np.zeros(shape=(10,1)), 'label2':np.zeros(shape=(20,1))}
>>> dataiter =, label, 3, True, last_batch_handle='discard')
`NDArrayIter` also supports ``mx.nd.sparse.CSRNDArray``
with `last_batch_handle` set to `discard`.
>>> csr_data = mx.nd.array(np.arange(40).reshape((10,4))).tostype('csr')
>>> labels = np.ones([10, 1])
>>> dataiter =, labels, 3, last_batch_handle='discard')
>>> [[0] for batch in dataiter]
<CSRNDArray 3x4 @cpu(0)>,
<CSRNDArray 3x4 @cpu(0)>,
<CSRNDArray 3x4 @cpu(0)>]
data: array or list of array or dict of string to array
The input data.
label: array or list of array or dict of string to array, optional
The input label.
batch_size: int
Batch size of data.
shuffle: bool, optional
Whether to shuffle the data.
Only supported if no h5py.Dataset inputs are used.
last_batch_handle : str, optional
How to handle the last batch. This parameter can be 'pad', 'discard' or
If 'pad', the last batch will be padded with data starting from the begining
If 'discard', the last batch will be discarded
If 'roll_over', the remaining elements will be rolled over to the next iteration and
note that it is intended for training and can cause problems if used for prediction.
data_name : str, optional
The data name.
label_name : str, optional
The label name.
layout : str, optional
The data layout
def __init__(self, data, label=None, batch_size=1, shuffle=False,
last_batch_handle='pad', data_name='data',
label_name='softmax_label', layout='NCHW'):
super(NDArrayIter, self).__init__(batch_size) = _init_data(data, allow_empty=False, default_name=data_name)
self.label = _init_data(label, allow_empty=True, default_name=label_name)
if ((_has_instance(, CSRNDArray) or
_has_instance(self.label, CSRNDArray)) and
(last_batch_handle != 'discard')):
raise NotImplementedError("`NDArrayIter` only supports ``CSRNDArray``" \
" with `last_batch_handle` set to `discard`.")
self.idx = np.arange([0][1].shape[0])
self.shuffle = shuffle
self.last_batch_handle = last_batch_handle
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.cursor = -self.batch_size
self.num_data = self.idx.shape[0]
# shuffle
self.data_list = [x[1] for x in] + [x[1] for x in self.label]
self.num_source = len(self.data_list)
# used for 'roll_over'
self._cache_data = None
self._cache_label = None
self.layout = layout
def provide_data(self):
"""The name and shape of data provided by this iterator."""
batch_axis = self.layout.find('N')
return [
DataDesc(k, tuple(list(v.shape[:batch_axis]) + \
[self.batch_size] + list(v.shape[batch_axis + 1:])),
v.dtype, layout=self.layout)
for k, v in
def provide_label(self):
"""The name and shape of label provided by this iterator."""
batch_axis = self.layout.find('N')
return [
DataDesc(k, tuple(list(v.shape[:batch_axis]) + \
[self.batch_size] + list(v.shape[batch_axis + 1:])),
v.dtype, layout=self.layout)
for k, v in self.label
[docs] def hard_reset(self):
"""Ignore roll over data and set to start."""
if self.shuffle:
self.cursor = -self.batch_size
self._cache_data = None
self._cache_label = None
[docs] def reset(self):
"""Resets the iterator to the beginning of the data."""
if self.shuffle:
# the range below indicate the last batch
if self.last_batch_handle == 'roll_over' and \
self.num_data - self.batch_size < self.cursor < self.num_data:
# (self.cursor - self.num_data) represents the data we have for the last batch
self.cursor = self.cursor - self.num_data - self.batch_size
self.cursor = -self.batch_size
[docs] def iter_next(self):
"""Increments the coursor by batch_size for next batch
and check current cursor if it exceed the number of data points."""
self.cursor += self.batch_size
return self.cursor < self.num_data
[docs] def next(self):
"""Returns the next batch of data."""
if not self.iter_next():
raise StopIteration
data = self.getdata()
label = self.getlabel()
# iter should stop when last batch is not complete
if data[0].shape[self.layout.find('N')] != self.batch_size:
# in this case, cache it for next epoch
self._cache_data = data
self._cache_label = label
raise StopIteration
return DataBatch(data=data, label=label, \
pad=self.getpad(), index=None)
def _getdata(self, data_source, start=None, end=None):
"""Load data from underlying arrays."""
assert start is not None or end is not None, 'should at least specify start or end'
start = start if start is not None else 0
if end is None:
end = data_source[0][1].shape[0] if data_source else 0
s = slice(start, end)
return [
_slice_along_batch_axis(x[1], s, self.layout.find('N'))
if isinstance(x[1], (np.ndarray, NDArray)) else
# h5py (only supports indices in increasing order)
for i in sorted(self.idx[s])
]]) for x in data_source
def _concat(self, first_data, second_data):
"""Helper function to concat two NDArrays."""
if (not first_data) or (not second_data):
return first_data if first_data else second_data
assert len(first_data) == len(
second_data), 'data source should contain the same size'
return [
) for i in range(len(first_data))
def _tile(self, data, repeats):
if not data:
return []
res = []
for datum in data:
reps = [1] * len(datum.shape)
reps[0] = repeats
res.append(tile(datum, reps))
return res
def _batchify(self, data_source):
"""Load data from underlying arrays, internal use only."""
assert self.cursor < self.num_data, 'DataIter needs reset.'
# first batch of next epoch with 'roll_over'
if self.last_batch_handle == 'roll_over' and \
-self.batch_size < self.cursor < 0:
assert self._cache_data is not None or self._cache_label is not None, \
'next epoch should have cached data'
cache_data = self._cache_data if self._cache_data is not None else self._cache_label
second_data = self._getdata(
data_source, end=self.cursor + self.batch_size)
if self._cache_data is not None:
self._cache_data = None
self._cache_label = None
return self._concat(cache_data, second_data)
# last batch with 'pad'
elif self.last_batch_handle == 'pad' and \
self.cursor + self.batch_size > self.num_data:
pad = self.batch_size - self.num_data + self.cursor
first_data = self._getdata(data_source, start=self.cursor)
if pad > self.num_data:
repeats = pad // self.num_data
second_data = self._tile(self._getdata(data_source, end=self.num_data), repeats)
if pad % self.num_data != 0:
second_data = self._concat(second_data, self._getdata(data_source, end=pad % self.num_data))
second_data = self._getdata(data_source, end=pad)
return self._concat(first_data, second_data)
# normal case
if self.cursor + self.batch_size < self.num_data:
end_idx = self.cursor + self.batch_size
# get incomplete last batch
end_idx = self.num_data
return self._getdata(data_source, self.cursor, end_idx)
[docs] def getpad(self):
"""Get pad value of DataBatch."""
if self.last_batch_handle == 'pad' and \
self.cursor + self.batch_size > self.num_data:
return self.cursor + self.batch_size - self.num_data
# check the first batch
elif self.last_batch_handle == 'roll_over' and \
-self.batch_size < self.cursor < 0:
return -self.cursor
return 0
def _shuffle_data(self):
"""Shuffle the data."""
# shuffle index
# get the data by corresponding index = _getdata_by_idx(, self.idx)
self.label = _getdata_by_idx(self.label, self.idx)
[docs]class MXDataIter(DataIter):
"""A python wrapper a C++ data iterator.
This iterator is the Python wrapper to all native C++ data iterators, such
as `CSVIter`, `ImageRecordIter`, `MNISTIter`, etc. When initializing
`CSVIter` for example, you will get an `MXDataIter` instance to use in your
Python code. Calls to `next`, `reset`, etc will be delegated to the
underlying C++ data iterators.
Usually you don't need to interact with `MXDataIter` directly unless you are
implementing your own data iterators in C++. To do that, please refer to
examples under the `src/io` folder.
handle : DataIterHandle, required
The handle to the underlying C++ Data Iterator.
data_name : str, optional
Data name. Default to "data".
label_name : str, optional
Label name. Default to "softmax_label".
See Also
src/io : The underlying C++ data iterator implementation, e.g., `CSVIter`.
def __init__(self, handle, data_name='data', label_name='softmax_label', **_):
super(MXDataIter, self).__init__()
self.handle = handle
# debug option, used to test the speed with io effect eliminated
self._debug_skip_load = False
# load the first batch to get shape information
self.first_batch = None
self.first_batch =
data =[0]
label = self.first_batch.label[0]
# properties
self.provide_data = [DataDesc(data_name, data.shape, data.dtype)]
self.provide_label = [DataDesc(label_name, label.shape, label.dtype)]
self.batch_size = data.shape[0]
def __del__(self):
def debug_skip_load(self):
# Set the iterator to simply return always first batch. This can be used
# to test the speed of network without taking the loading delay into
# account.
self._debug_skip_load = True'Set debug_skip_load to be true, will simply return first batch')
[docs] def reset(self):
self._debug_at_begin = True
self.first_batch = None
[docs] def next(self):
if self._debug_skip_load and not self._debug_at_begin:
return DataBatch(data=[self.getdata()], label=[self.getlabel()], pad=self.getpad(),
if self.first_batch is not None:
batch = self.first_batch
self.first_batch = None
return batch
self._debug_at_begin = False
next_res = ctypes.c_int(0)
check_call(_LIB.MXDataIterNext(self.handle, ctypes.byref(next_res)))
if next_res.value:
return DataBatch(data=[self.getdata()], label=[self.getlabel()], pad=self.getpad(),
raise StopIteration
[docs] def iter_next(self):
if self.first_batch is not None:
return True
next_res = ctypes.c_int(0)
check_call(_LIB.MXDataIterNext(self.handle, ctypes.byref(next_res)))
return next_res.value
[docs] def getdata(self):
hdl = NDArrayHandle()
check_call(_LIB.MXDataIterGetData(self.handle, ctypes.byref(hdl)))
return _ndarray_cls(hdl, False)
[docs] def getlabel(self):
hdl = NDArrayHandle()
check_call(_LIB.MXDataIterGetLabel(self.handle, ctypes.byref(hdl)))
return _ndarray_cls(hdl, False)
[docs] def getindex(self):
index_size = ctypes.c_uint64(0)
index_data = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64)()
if index_size.value:
address = ctypes.addressof(index_data.contents)
dbuffer = (ctypes.c_uint64* index_size.value).from_address(address)
np_index = np.frombuffer(dbuffer, dtype=np.uint64)
return np_index.copy()
return None
[docs] def getpad(self):
pad = ctypes.c_int(0)
check_call(_LIB.MXDataIterGetPadNum(self.handle, ctypes.byref(pad)))
return pad.value
def _make_io_iterator(handle):
"""Create an io iterator by handle."""
name = ctypes.c_char_p()
desc = ctypes.c_char_p()
num_args = mx_uint()
arg_names = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p)()
arg_types = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p)()
arg_descs = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p)()
check_call(_LIB.MXDataIterGetIterInfo( \
handle, ctypes.byref(name), ctypes.byref(desc), \
ctypes.byref(num_args), \
ctypes.byref(arg_names), \
ctypes.byref(arg_types), \
iter_name = py_str(name.value)
narg = int(num_args.value)
param_str = _build_param_doc(
[py_str(arg_names[i]) for i in range(narg)],
[py_str(arg_types[i]) for i in range(narg)],
[py_str(arg_descs[i]) for i in range(narg)])
doc_str = ('%s\n\n' +
'%s\n' +
'Returns\n' +
'-------\n' +
' The result iterator.')
doc_str = doc_str % (desc.value, param_str)
def creator(*args, **kwargs):
"""Create an iterator.
The parameters listed below can be passed in as keyword arguments.
name : string, required.
Name of the resulting data iterator.
dataiter: Dataiter
The resulting data iterator.
param_keys = []
param_vals = []
for k, val in kwargs.items():
# create atomic symbol
param_keys = c_str_array(param_keys)
param_vals = c_str_array(param_vals)
iter_handle = DataIterHandle()
param_keys, param_vals,
if len(args):
raise TypeError('%s can only accept keyword arguments' % iter_name)
return MXDataIter(iter_handle, **kwargs)
creator.__name__ = iter_name
creator.__doc__ = doc_str
return creator
def _init_io_module():
"""List and add all the data iterators to current module."""
plist = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)()
size = ctypes.c_uint()
check_call(_LIB.MXListDataIters(ctypes.byref(size), ctypes.byref(plist)))
module_obj = sys.modules[__name__]
for i in range(size.value):
hdl = ctypes.c_void_p(plist[i])
dataiter = _make_io_iterator(hdl)
setattr(module_obj, dataiter.__name__, dataiter)
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