Performs pooling on the input.
The shapes for 1-D pooling are
data and out: (batch_size, channel, width) (NCW layout) or (batch_size, width, channel) (NWC layout),
The shapes for 2-D pooling are
data and out: (batch_size, channel, height, width) (NCHW layout) or (batch_size, height, width, channel) (NHWC layout),
out_height = f(height, kernel[0], pad[0], stride[0]) out_width = f(width, kernel[1], pad[1], stride[1])
The definition of f depends on pooling_convention
, which has two options:
valid (default):
f(x, k, p, s) = floor((x+2*p-k)/s)+1
full, which is compatible with Caffe:
f(x, k, p, s) = ceil((x+2*p-k)/s)+1 When ``global_pool`` is set to be true, then global pooling is performed. It will reset ``kernel=(height, width)`` and set the appropiate padding to 0. Three pooling options are supported by ``pool_type``: - **avg**: average pooling - **max**: max pooling - **sum**: sum pooling - **lp**: Lp pooling For 3-D pooling, an additional *depth* dimension is added before *height*. Namely the input data and output will have shape *(batch_size, channel, depth, height, width)* (NCDHW layout) or *(batch_size, depth, height, width, channel)* (NDHWC layout). Notes on Lp pooling: Lp pooling was first introduced by this paper: L-1 pooling is simply sum pooling, while L-inf pooling is simply max pooling. We can see that Lp pooling stands between those two, in practice the most common value for p is 2. For each window ``X``, the mathematical expression for Lp pooling is: :math:`f(X) = \sqrt[p]{\sum_{x}^{X} x^p}`
Argument |
Description |
NDArray-or-Symbol. Input data to the pooling operator. |
Shape(tuple), optional, default=[]. Pooling kernel size: (y, x) or (d, y, x) |
{‘avg’, ‘lp’, ‘max’, ‘sum’},optional, default=’max’. Pooling type to be applied. |
boolean, optional, default=0. Ignore kernel size, do global pooling based on current input feature map. |
boolean, optional, default=0. Turn off cudnn pooling and use MXNet pooling operator. |
{‘full’, ‘same’, ‘valid’},optional, default=’valid’. Pooling convention to be applied. |
Shape(tuple), optional, default=[]. Stride: for pooling (y, x) or (d, y, x). Defaults to 1 for each dimension. |
Shape(tuple), optional, default=[]. Pad for pooling: (y, x) or (d, y, x). Defaults to no padding. |
int or None, optional, default=’None’. Value of p for Lp pooling, can be 1 or 2, required for Lp Pooling. |
boolean or None, optional, default=None. Only used for AvgPool, specify whether to count padding elements for averagecalculation. For example, with a 5*5 kernel on a 3*3 corner of a image,the sum of the 9 valid elements will be divided by 25 if this is set to true,or it will be divided by 9 if this is set to false. Defaults to true. |
{None, ‘NCDHW’, ‘NCHW’, ‘NCW’, ‘NDHWC’, ‘NHWC’, ‘NWC’},optional, default=’None’. Set layout for input and output. Empty for default layout: NCW for 1d, NCHW for 2d and NCDHW for 3d. |
string, optional. Name of the resulting symbol. |
The result mx.symbol
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