around(x, decimals=0, out=None)

Evenly round to the given number of decimals.

  • x (ndarray or scalar) – Input data.

  • decimals (int, optional) – Number of decimal places to round to (default: 0). If decimals is negative, it specifies the number of positions to the left of the decimal point.

  • out (ndarray, optional) – Alternative output array in which to place the result. It must have the same shape and type as the expected output.


  • rounded_array (ndarray or scalar) – An array of the same type as x, containing the rounded values. A reference to the result is returned.

  • .. note:: – For values exactly halfway between rounded decimal values, NumPy rounds to the nearest even value. Thus 1.5 and 2.5 round to 2.0, -0.5 and 0.5 round to 0.0, etc.

    This function differs from the original in the following aspects:

    • Cannot cast type automatically. Dtype of out must be same as the expected one.

    • Cannot support complex-valued number.


>>> np.around([0.37, 1.64])
array([ 0.,  2.])
>>> np.around([0.37, 1.64], decimals=1)
array([ 0.4,  1.6])
>>> np.around([.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5]) # rounds to nearest even value
array([ 0.,  2.,  2.,  4.,  4.])
>>> np.around([1, 2, 3, 11], decimals=1) # ndarray of ints is returned
array([ 1,  2,  3, 11])
>>> np.around([1, 2, 3, 11], decimals=-1)
array([ 0,  0,  0, 10])